You were hyperventilating at this point. Not just from the lack of air, but from the ominous gurgling sound coming from below you. Your sweet Auntie Sheila had your tiny body smothered within her colossal rear end, pinned between the squishy wobbling masses that made up her butt cheeks. The bubbling sounds coming from her bowels were getting violent and agitated, egging the woman on to finally let loose.
All your efforts to free yourself and explain to Sheila that you weren't trying to dig your way into her ass had been for naught. She truly believed you wanted to be here and have her fart on you. The groaning noises made by her ass sounded like the low creaks of a ship's hull at sea. You could sense the incredible pressure being stressed through her body, your heart raced in fear of just how big her release was going to be for you. You knew for a fact that her farts put her daughter Lillian's to shame, and those were already powerful enough to send a stack of papers flying. Imagining that on an exponential scale put shivers down your spine.
Sheila's heart was racing too, but not from fear like yours was. She couldn't believe she was actually about to give you her farts at full force, while you were shrunken down inside her huge ass cheeks. The way you so brazenly dove into her ass (in her head) and plainly told her to let you have it (in her mind) was way more than she was expecting from today. She enjoyed flirting with you, but for things to escalate so far... At this point the amount of gas filling her mammoth booty couldn't be contained. It was going to come out either way, with you present or not.
"Okay... here it comes..." Sheila gave you the heads up, in an almost sexy tone.
She bit her lower lip and pushed with her ass. You could feel a swell of pressure coming from below, deep in the darkest crevice of her ass cheeks. Her giant anus was puckering against the flab of her cheeks, straining to release the swirling payload of gas. With a grunt, Sheila let out her massive fart all at once, decimating you inside her powerful booty explosion. Ungodly wicked fumes blasted from the depths of her ass, pummeling you in an unending assault of heat and smell. Sheila's planetary cheeks warbled together with the expulsion of her gas, creating a loud rumbling sound for the entire room to hear. The sharp brapping noises were deafening to your tiny ears; it was like being in the midst of a warzone, with bombs being pelted on all sides.
Your auntie's sexy cheeks, the round alluring globes that previously caught your eye, had transformed into a rattling storm of flesh that was pounding you on all sides. Her gas was violent and harsh, the smell attacked your nostrils and made you gag in an awful pain. Even if you had Lillian sit on your face and fart in your mouth from point blank it wouldn't be this bad, the burning rotten stench of Sheila's giant-sized hurricane was incomparable. You writhed and cried out in torment, wishing for the fart to trail off and stop, but it just kept coming. Sheila had a lot of steamy air backed up inside her booty thanks to those burritos, and she was aiming to let you have all of it.
The grown woman's face was blushing a mad pink as she let her fart out. She was actually doing this, she couldn't believe herself! Just a few hours ago you were her friend's cute son, and now she was blasting you with her enormous rumbling farts. The naughtiness of it all was thrilling. Her chest tightened as she caught a whiff of her gas. It must smell so bad for you down there, nestled inside her roaring booty, and yet she wanted to make you taste some more...
The seconds ticked by insanely slow as you endured the forefront of Sheila's gas. After being initially overwhelmed by her gargantuan eruption, you noticed a sinking feeling in your stomach. Your tiny body was starting to drop, slowly sliding down the abyss of Sheilas gargantuan ass cheeks. As her plump masses belted out giant bubbles of flatulence it caused her halves to separate, just for an instant as the pockets of air came rushing through. Those small gaps in her butt crack were minuscule as the fart came rolling out, but for you it was just enough to cause you to sink between them. Down and down you went, gravity dragging you deep, every slapping stinky bubble of wretched air swallowing you up between the giant woman's ass cheeks. You screamed as you realized what was happening, you were unwillingly sinking deeper into Sheila's huge monstrous farting booty.
"Oooooooh?" Sheila exclaimed, practically moaning in surprise.
It was sudden, but she felt your tiny body slipping down into her gassy chasm. Unfortunately she didn't realize it was a mix of gravity and her fart bubbles causing you to fall deeper, instead she thought you were digging your way down intentionally. In her mind she pictured you kneading through her soft juicy flesh as you dove down her ass crack, hungry and desperate to reach the source of her rampant potent aroma. The thought of it drove her wild. She made you admit that you were attracted to her huge wobbling ass, but she didn't think you'd be THIS into it. The feeling of being so clearly desired and lusted after by a handsome young man, it just made her want to keep you back there more. She wiggled her ass in the air as her fart trailed off, using the last bout of gassy fumes to aid you in travelling deeper between her cheeks. The sensation of your tiny body sliding down between her plump jiggling masses felt amazing, it was something she enjoyed very much. A surge of arousal pumped through her loins, dampening the front end of her panties.
After what felt like forever for you, Sheila's raging fart died off. Now battered and stuck even further up her generous rear end, you tried to catch a breather, only to inhale the most horrid stench of your life. Sheila's latent gas reeked to high heaven, it wasn't just bad, it was atrocious. Her gruesome scent burned all the orifices of your face at once; your eyes, your nose, your mouth, even your ears a little. You were trapped inside the searing hot heat of her crack, it felt like an oven of steamy fart juices, with you choking on the moist leftovers of her burritos. You wanted to claw your way out of here, to escape this blinding hot fart hell, but Sheila's massive thick globes of flesh kept you locked in place. If there was any way for you to get out of here, it would be of Sheila's volition. Your fingers were crossed that she'd rescue you, after all that last fart was pretty big, but what she said next made your heart sink.
"Ohh wow... I gotta say, I wasn't expecting you to burrow even deeper into my butt cheeks... You must really love it down there huh?" she said with a giggle.
You desperately tried to yell at her to pull you out, but once again you mouth was filled with ass flab.
"It's okay, I get it..." she continued. "I know you said you liked my booty, but I didn't think you'd feel the same was about... my gas too. I don't mind it, in fact... it felt kind of good letting it out on you. Letting loose with your tiny body between my butt cheeks felt... amazing actually. Oh my, what am I even saying?"
You felt a steady spike in warmth coming from below, boiling you body in the already blazing hot oven that was her butt. It wasn't just warmth coming from her ass, but lower, a stoking fire building in her womanhood. Sheila was clearly hot and bothered from having you spelunking in her giant ass, the worst possible thing for your position right now.
"If you want, I can let out more big farts like that... but before I do... how would you like to go closer?"
Sheila turned and reached towards her massive ass, to pull her underwear out of the way. It was the one barrier separating you from the true depths of her booty, and from her understanding, it was where you wanted to go. You were trembling in disbelief, distraught at how these awful events were unfolding. Everything shook as Sheila turned towards her ass.
A nearly blinding amount of light filled your dark and stuffy chasm. You gasped for clean air, but ended up choking on the remnants of her gas. Sheila spread her huge ass cheeks apart, giving you a view of the outside world for the first time in a long while. You hadn't truly grasped just how far you were stuck up her fat keister until you looked back at the room above. You stared in awe, the distance down the curved top of Sheila's butt cheeks all the way to your current position was incredible. You doubted you had even seen mountains this big before.
The well-endowed woman plunged her hand into the supple bouncy globes of her butt and reached for her panties. You were nothing but a bystander as her skyscraper-sized fingers prodded past your position, going well past the patch of skin your tiny body was plastered against. Her huge digits wriggled around until they found what they came for, yanking back with a humongous stretch of fabric that resembled some of the Brazilian flag.
"How's this? I can get these out of the way and you can dive deeper into my big gassy booty. Sounds pleasant, right? she said.
Your heart pounded as Sheila pulled the huge panties above your position. This was anything but pleasant. She was about to encase you in her stuffy underwear, leaving no safety net between your shrunken body and the abyss of her dumptruck ass. You could feel the sweaty maw of her cheeks opening below you, coaxing you to slip down inside the darkness. This was wrong. You didn't want this!
You tried screaming to Sheila but when your mouth opened nothing came out. Your lungs were still partially suffocating on her gas, and every time you tried to force yourself to speak all that came out were violent coughs. This couldn't be happening. You only had one chance to tell her you didn't want this, one final moment before her huge cheeks closed back together and you couldn't do it. The wafting gas burned your throat, all that was coming out was wet spit. This couldn't be your fate!
Author's Chapter Notes:
Chapter originally written by NotOnTime