It felt like you were being held underwater. As hard as you tried to desperately yell out loud, to carry your words up to Sheila’s ears, you had no air to call your own. All that came out of your throat were pathetic wheezes, your lungs were suffocated by the abundant fumes of the giant woman’s farts. Her burning hot stench was dousing your airways like a fire extinguisher, snuffing out your ability to speak properly.
The juicy chasm wobbled as Sheila pulled out her underwear-turned thong. From your position the outside world looked dauntingly far away, a distant light near the end of a long vertical tunnel. The older woman’s plump cheeks squished against her invading fingers, as if they were waiting for her to let go of her underwear so they could gobble it back up. Just by pulling back the massive undergarments you could taste the steamy interior of her crack seeping out from the gurgling abyss below. The last thing you wanted was to be trapped on the inside of Sheila’s panties, at the mercy of her gigaton farts coming straight from the source. You needed to do something quick!
“Enjoy yourself down there...” Sheila teased. “You should count yourself lucky. You get allllll this ass to yourself!”
You heard her giggle like she was a young girl, the sound of laughter slowly becoming muffled as the flesh of her shapely behind started to envelop your body once more. You had gone back to being smothered on all sides by it, flattened between the humongous sweaty jiggling ass cheeks. It didn’t feel fair, your opportunity to get out was right there and you couldn’t reach it. Just then the force of a train crashed into you. Sheila had let go of her panties, causing them to rocket back up her gargantuan booty, and take you along for the ride. Beads of fart-soaked sweat slapped your tiny body as you went, dampening you from head to toe. Just when you thought the underwear was about to stop it would keep going, digging you down deeper into the furthest reaches of Sheila’s crack. The heat was smothering and potent, stinging your lips with the awful odors that lied within. You gasped for clean air, but the only thing down where you were was the stale toxic aroma of sweat and gas.
“That feels good, you were slingshot nice and deep... “ Sheila said. “Feel free to touch anything you like, you might get rewarded with a little ‘kiss’ back.”
Saying this, she wiggled her massive hips from side to side, jiggling your surroundings. You had a pretty good idea what she was talking about, but you didn’t even want to think about going that deep just yet. Even still, you could feel your proximity to the thing… it wasn’t far off. The sultry heat was emanating from one location inside her ass crack, you could feel its pink mass swelling through the fatty layers of Sheila’s butt flesh. Her giant-sized anus was hidden somewhere below, pulsating eagerly for you to come closer. The problem was, today was a day where your Auntie was feeling very, very gassy.
As if on cue, an unfathomably loud series of groans came from inside her booty, signaling that her intestines were preparing to let out another fart. The difference you felt being so close to the source was staggering. Just a minor amount of female gurgles vibrated your surroundings like a stampede of wild animals approaching. Your heartbeat pounded in your chest, even if Lillian had farted right into your lap the noise wouldn’t be this loud. The dank humid walls of Sheila’s buttocks trembled around you, holding your tiny body in place as the pressure continued to build. You could feel her backdoor puckering up through her layers of compacted flesh, earnestly twitching in and out.
“Mmmmm, are you ready? Your Auntie’s got another fart ready to give you. Enjoy it~”
You tried yelling once more as a last resort, to let her know you weren’t enjoying this at all, but the second you opened your mouth it was once again filled with juicy, sweaty ass flesh. Sheila wordlessly pushed with her butt muscles, flexing the inner walls of her rectum, and unleashed her great pent-up gas storm on your tiny body. Her phat ass erupted in a hurricane of fiery fumes, releasing the wretched sweltering air that had been gurgling around inside her plus-sized rear for some time now. With your body stuck so close to her anus you were decimated by the blast of methane, trapped in a rumbling nightmare as her colossal cheeks expelled the monumental load of gas. Sheila’s ass was so incredibly huge, you couldn’t even feel where the fart was leaving anymore. Her thick globes seemed to go on forever, vibrating like a huge earthquake as her horrendous putrid gas whipped past your body.
As the powerful stench of your friend’s giant mother’s fart clogged your lungs, you felt a familiar sense of gravity dragging your body downwards. Her gargantuan warbling ass cheeks were creating space to let her gaseous eruption blow through, just enough to open a small sliver between her booty flesh for your tiny body to slide down, into the foul stinky darkness. You knew where you were going, the source of her stench that laid only a few inches away, and you dreaded how fate had turned against you.
As soon as the incredible force of her deafening ass blast waned off, your crumb-sized body fell the rest of the way down. With a sticky splat you landed, you were face-first against the scorching hot surface of Sheila’s anal orifice. The sensitive pucker twitched in response to your impact, squeezing its thick juicy wrinkles together. You gagged on the gruesome lingering odor as the “ground” shifted underneath you, the smells intensity was multiplied now that you were at the source. Sheila’s gigantic anus was a hot smoking gun right now in light of her recent release, the atmosphere felt physically heavy with the taste of her bowels. Your head was starting to spin, you planted your hands and feet down to try and get your bearings straight, but the giantess’s butthole gave another twitching anal contraction.
“Ahhh! So then, you couldn’t resist going straight for my asshole? You’re such a perverted boy…” Sheila moaned, feeling you make direct contact with her anus.
The giant reeking sphincter twitched with her words, Sheila was clearly enjoying your intrusion very much. The fact that it was you definitely had something to do with it, that her friend’s young son was supposedly lusting after her gigantic asshole with such determination. She never expected such an innocent face to want to crawl down to her massive-sized farthole like this, especially when she was feeling so gassy. It was a naughty feeling having your body this close to her sensitive backdoor, but at the same time she was really getting into it. The warmth between her legs continued to grow as she felt your shrunken form squirming around her huge puffy anal lips. You struggled as best you could to escape the sweltering pink maw, but your movements were misconstrued by Sheila as trying to please her foul butthole with a sensual massage. As you crawled and slipped amidst the landscape of oily pink flesh, tingles ran up the older woman’s backside. Her huge fat booty shuddered from top to bottom, causing gigantic quakes down below. Sheila let out a content moan, her anus pulsating with delight.
“Mmmm that’s it... I just want you to know that even though you’re really tiny, you feel amazing back there.”
Her tingling butthole throbbed inward with a hungry clench as she spoke, sliding your shrunken body closer to the center. You scrambled to climb back out of the humid pit but more tremors rocked your footing.
“Oh my, you’re so eager!” she giggled. “Don’t worry, keep pleasing me and I’ll give you what you’ve been waiting for…”
Sheila playfully bounced her phat ass, just a quick shake was enough to make her cheeks jiggle around for several seconds. As they came together they formed a soft thunderclap, the gargantuan impact of such monumental squishy flesh made you fall flat on your face. Hot sticky oils, caked between the wrinkles of her giant anus, smeared against your brow. As you wiped the smelly filth off with your arm you heard more groans beginning to churn from within. The noise was deep and bassy, more booming than any movie theater you had ever been to. Even if she hadn’t said anything you could feel it, the giantess was working herself up to another tremendous fart. She was slowly letting her rectum fill up with densely-packed pockets of intestinal air, so she could push it out on you all at once.
“I can’t imagine how big it’s going to be right at the source. Definitely not any better than the ones she’s had so far…” you worried.
More deep rumbles groaned from the massive chamber below, Sheila’s ass noisily preparing itself for your next “present”. You could tell just how excited she was from how her anus was twitching, the boiling hot pucker had been constantly in motion ever since you first touched it. Over and over her rubbery creases squeezed together, her muscles erotically coaxing your tiny body inward for more stimulation. You had never thought about arousing your best friend’s mother before. She was a gorgeous full-figured woman, especially endowed when it came to her ample backside, but turning her on definitely wasn’t something you wanted to do when she was nearly 1000 times bigger than you.
Being trapped in the depths of her gassy horny booty was frightening enough, but what really terrified you was the size of her asshole compared to yourself. You were expecting something maybe as big as your body or maybe as big as a car at most, but your estimates were way off. Sheila’s fart-soaked anal orifice was like the size of a public swimming pool compared to you, a massive clenching beast with oily wrinkles the size of transport trucks. The gurgles coming from inside were strong enough to knock you off your feet, the twitches big enough to roll you over entirely. And that’s just when it was closed. If Sheila’s asshole opened a little too far there was a very real possibility that it could swallow your body whole. You’d be lost inside her giant bowels, trapped in the worst place you could possibly be, within the endless swirling miasma of her gas.
Suddenly a loud groaning noise interrupted your thoughts. Sheila’s huge pucker clenched tight, but started swelling with pressure. Whether you liked it or not, her anus was opening to let out this fart. The question was whether you could hold on before it closed.