As more enormous bubbles of methane gathered inside Sheila’s rectum, the grown woman’s body was reaching its limit. Her colossal twitching anus was clamping down tight to contain the payload of gas, but the sheer amount of it was making the puckered orifice bulge outwards. Slowly the sweat-coated butthole expanded inside her ass crack, rising your tiny body upwards and along for the ride. More groans echoed angrily from within, as Sheila’s plump anus took the shape of a round dome. While this could have been a means of freedom for you, the sad reality was her giant wrinkled lips were now pressing against the inner flab of her ass cheeks. The huge sweaty walls were soft but their weight was incredibly unforgiving, leaving you no room to move at all. Your body was completely flattened, unfortunately smothered face first into the gigantic gurgling anal folds that were preparing to unleash hell upon you. You could feel the giantess clenching hard, her ass muscles straining against the swelling pressure. Just then you heard her speak.
“I don’t think I can hold them in any longer… are you ready?”
THEM?! Your heart plummeted inside your chest at the realization Sheila had been saving up multiple monstrous farts for you inside her depths. Your chances at surviving this and staying outside her asshole just dropped significantly, and if you did fall inside… something told you this horny goddess wouldn’t be in much of a hurry to get you out.
In a terrified craze you tried screaming for Sheila to stop this, but your muffled words were cut off by the biggest explosion you had ever experienced in your life. The tiny vibrations of your voice tingled through the giant milf’s fleshy puckering butthole and in response it widened and let out the impossibly gargantuan onslaught of anal air that was being contained inside. What followed wasn’t just one fart, or two farts, but an entire series of room-shaking intestinal eruptions of gas unlike anything you’ve ever seen before.
Just the sound waves coming from her asshole made your skeleton rattle, it was like you were a tiny fly caught inside the massive horn of a carrier ship. The bassy explosions pounded inside your head relentlessly, making your eardrums ache as the torrential air gushed out her anus. Hot searing winds scorched your skin, adding to the already brutal temperature inside her butt crack. The muggy violent storm cranked up the surrounding miasma to 11. Your Auntie’s ass was already full of hot sticky noxious sweat, but now the blazing oven explosion inside her butt cheeks made every perceivable surface a dank oily nightmare. Foul odors spraying forth from her mighty hole coated the texture of her skin with a slippery sheen, making them moist from the incredible steaming heat of her bowels. The taste of the grown woman’s anal smog stuck to the back of your throat as you screamed, your tongue was burning from both the intense flavor and temperature of her horrible booty tornado.
This colossal barrage against your senses seemed more magnified than ever. Thanks to Sheila purposefully holding in her gas, this opening burst of air was worse than any fart she had hit you with thus far. As bad as the disgusting stench and overwhelming heat were, they still fell far short in comparison to the absolute pummeling you were taking from her anal folds. The huge slabs of wrinkled flesh reverberated unbelievably hard as her fart rang out, each one crashing into you like a max-speed vibrator the size of a train cart. The giantess’s enormous rumbling ass cheeks seemed like heaven in comparison, pinned up against her anus wrinkles you felt like her flesh was much more dense, more powerful, as it contained mostly muscle. Taking her giga-sized farts directly at the source was hell in and of itself, one she seemed all too happy to unwittingly give you.
“Haahn~” the giantess let out a great sigh of relief, tinged with the high pitch of an erotic moan.
It definitely felt good for her to let out her stinky fart, the relaxed feeling of deflation in her bowels was made all the more satisfying as she felt her big juicy cheeks trumpeting together. The loud resonating blare filled the room with noise, as well as her trademark fermented booty scent. Just knowing your tiny body was taking such a huge blast at the source, exposed to all the gross smells from inside her rectum, presumably enjoying the experience of her gargantuan farts, it turned her on immensely. She couldn’t help but blush from the feeling of her giant asshole dousing your tiny body in a typhoon of gas. As soon as her first fart finished she let out the second one, with barely a moment between.
Everything squeezed down, and then hot nasty vapors engulfed your shrunken form. Somehow through the cacophony of guttural sounds you heard Sheila’s voice moaning in pleasure, enjoying your presence in her voluptuous ass. Exceedingly strong winds surged forth from the gaps between her anal wrinkles, as her mighty butt eased the pent-up pressure through, her asshole vibrated with all the force of a devastating volcanic eruption. Your body was helpless against the whirling cyclone of fart fumes, a tiny bystander no different to lint caught inside the crack of her thick roaring rump. Horrifically, as Sheila’s second fart expanded her asshole, you found yourself sinking deeper into its crevices, sliding down into the reverberating inferno of her sultry anal lips.
The grown woman continued to moan, her plump backdoor wrinkles blasting all over you as the rest of her gas streamed out. Her ginormous chain of farts were far from over however, and with no longer than a second of respite her big juicy ass bellowed out another steaming hot room-shaker. In that brief moment of silence between bursts you screamed, your desperate voice drowned out by the oily musculature of Sheila’s anal folds closing in and smothering your mouth. You felt the puffy pink muscles clench down on you, squeezing tight for half a second before blasting apart once more. The warbling booty bomb trembled through your skull, it was hard enough to stay conscious through the gassy ordeal, but even so you could feel something happening. Slowly, between each of your Auntie’s massive farts, her horny anus was swallowing you deeper.
Your tiny body was lodged further between her thundering stained folds than ever before, and with every short break between her chaining fart blasts the crushing warmth surrounding you was increasing. It wasn’t hard to understand, Sheila was ridiculously turned on right now, and her asshole muscles were instinctively trying to slurp you down into their tendermost depths. Her anal orifice had become like a giant mouth, salivating with sticky drool and hungry for you. Between letting out gigantic belches it would continue gulping, squeezing you deeper, feeding off your delicious squirms to gain more tingles of pleasure. You endured the deafening fart as it blustered through her fat wobbling globes. The hot fiery gales of Sheila’s methane gas made your limbs flail uselessly between her anal wrinkles, like they were tree branches during a hurricane. Right before letting out the fourth intestinal eruption of flatulence, the adult woman’s puckered anus contracted once more, greedily smothering your arms and legs so they too would be caught inside the fleshy crevices of its anal maw.
The following explosion hit you right in the face, forcing her potent shit fumes down your lungs. Sheila moaned once again as she felt your skull pressing deep between her filthy caked-in anal folds. From the way you were moving down there she thought you were wriggling deeper into her asshole out of your own volition. She didn’t realize it was her own horny clenching muscles that were actually responsible for dragging you so far between her juicy anal folds. In her mind you were just as enraptured by pleasure and arousal as she was, burrowing yourself deep into the nastiest part of her sphincter to taste her super-sized farts up close. Just one whiff of her surroundings was enough to tell Sheila her gas was extra rank today, the gurgling gastric episode her booty was facing was pretty foul, but the fact that you seemed to be so into it made the damp spot on her panties expand with vaginal juices. You were such a dirty little boy, clinging to her massive rumbling farthole, it just made her want to give you more.