Microcosm Massacre
By VivettaVenray
(WARNING: contains vore, gore, spitting, digestion and cruelty among other things.)
Chapter 1: ZZ-World
The city was in shadows. Only the faintest bit of light trickled in from the shuttered-out sun into their clear-plastic enclosure. Still, a single band between blinds was enough to shine over the city’s entire center. Throughout the metropolis everyone was stirring awake. It was better to wake up to the gentle daylight or with the prodding of one’s significant other than from what was about to come.
Brrrrrrrr, Brrrrrrrr
The black monolith on the horizon rumbled tens of ‘their’ miles away to assail their city with some minor tremors. A blaring chime also came from it to pummel their ears with its thoom. They prayed for it to end. As usual, in a few seconds, she stirred. An ocean’s worth of comfy covers roiled and sent a rustle through the air. A wet sound rung out: the smacking of lips. That sliver of light, blocks wide, got momentarily snuffed out as their goddess reached over to grab her phone. A swipe of her finger shut the alarm off.
Their god tossed her blanket aside and twisted her legs off the bed. Two small thumps rang out and they knew it was her feet settling to the ground. Another loud noise
She yawned.
Light flooded their whole city as she opened the blinds by her bed.
“Good morning Starrborough!”.
Starr hopped off her bed and hoisted her arms to the sky in a great big stretch. Her amber locks hung towards fair skin shoulders. Her normal straightened-out hairdo was scraggled from bedhead. She adjusted her long sleep shirt and took just one step to loom over her nightstand and the city on it. The towering piece of furniture their city rested on came up to just about her crotch. To them, she was around 100 miles tall.
For a moment, all those microscopic people saw was the floral print of her pink silk pajamas. Strings dangled from the front longer than their city and thick as a quarter of it. The air wooshed from her sudden crouch. If not for the lid on their petri-dish enclosure, the city would’ve been buffeted away by the displaced air from the gesture.
Her blue eyes gazed from above down at the dish of grey-on-green.
“You know what today is right? I hope you got your collectors and water towers ready!”
Starr grabbed her phone and hit a few buttons on her micro-civ management app: Micro Manager. The micros were already prepared, but the button press sent out a small siren throughout the WiFi-enabled city complex just in case.
The college student opened the nightstand drawer and pulled out an empty spray bottle. “Just hold up a second~” she said cheerfully to the masses. She walked out the door, steps booming, and came back with the bottle filled fresh with water.
That out of the way, she set her hand on the dish’s top and began unscrewing it. The fair skinned palm filled their sky, and the inhabitants looked at wrinkles in it wider then their roads. Carefully, very carefully, Starr unscrewed the top of the containment and aimed the nozzle above.
Younger adults in Starrborough came out to get soaked. The water workers stood by their collectors. It was a very dangerous affair, being exposed like this with the lid off. A single breath from Starr could ravage their entire unprotected settlement. Thankfully, as bubbly as she was, the Brunette took good care of her city. She held her breath as she gave the handle a squeeze. The nozzle’s holes were incredibly small, and a special device contained within helped to churn the water so that what came out was a very fine mist.
To her.
What descended on the microscopic masses was, in fact, a great deluge of rain. The city’s collection devices eagerly took it up. Drainage grates collected everything that fell to the streets, where pipes took it in towards water treatment plants. They could grow their own food with indoor farms: water was the only external resource needed. This ritual happened just once a week and provided more than enough H2O for the council to ration.
Starr screwed back on the lid and was more than happy to exhale again.
“Wew~” she said with a gust of air. Her humid morning breath clouded up the petri-dish’s top to give the little city a ‘foggy’ sky to enjoy.
“Alright now you all be good! I’ve gotta check on ZZ-World with the gals. The whole sorority's heading out to a karaoke contest today, so wish us luck!” said Starr.
The brunette left her room and her steps thudded away in the distance. Though not everyone relished living in a little container, the goddess’s cheery demeanor and unfailing ability to keep the city hydrated got her something of a fan club. At least half of the city erupted into a cheer, wishing her good luck. It was only through her phone she could hear it though. She had purchased one of the deluxe micro-cities with the built in audio and visual sensors. She couldn’t record stuff though, not unless she purchased the companion program for her computer.
She smiled, stuffing her phone in her loose pajama button-pocket while she walked out her room into the hall and towards the door at the end. Stepping in, she sighed at their sorority’s greatest prize. An entire micro continent with its enclosing clear tank taking up half the room in size. Bare feet thwaped against the hardwood floor as she walked towards it. Powered down TV screens hung on the walls.
The vivarium was rectangular in shape with a thin transparent ‘lid’ for the women to look down into. The top of the enclosure came up to just above Starr’s knees which was still tens of miles from the micros’ perspectives.
On the top of the lid were eight anchor points: one per corner and 4 spaced in a square around the middle. Hooks extended up from the anchors to an automated pulley system triggered by a switch on the wall. She didn’t need to open the vivarium up though: they had they spritzing last week. She was here just to take a look and admire the sight.
Next to the pulley switch was another which toggled the myriad TV screens around the room. They were hooked into the walls and could display feeds from all the minuscule cameras bespeckled about the continent. This could give a variety of perspectives from ZZ-World. It was fun to indulge with at times, and when Starr first took charge of the sorority and its vivarium she flicked it on every time she came in here. For now, it wasn’t needed. She knew how amazing she looked to them even without the screens showing it.
The brunette looked down on the continent from above. Running rivers of water, carefully carved, slithered through the expanse of green and brown like snakes. Gray cities were speckled throughout the landscape. Some were as big as Starrborough, while others were twice or three times as large as her personal metropolis. In between the bustling micro-cities were plenty of smaller, browner-shaded towns and villages. Little gray roads connected all the settlements together in long winding paths and, occasionally, complex crisscrosses.
It had its own mountains, snow-less, and there were plenty of thick patches of forest rife with trees. Though it was technically just a continent worth of land, it was very much its own little world. “ZZ-World”: named after the sorority chapter that purchased the thing and helped it grow and flourish through decades of ownership.
As a senior in college and the chosen speaker for her sorority, Starr was technically in charge of it. She crouched down on her toes to look in through its clear wall. Here, squinting, she could see the traffic clog those roads, as well as all the streets in the city. ZZ-World had it’s own vibrant economy, after all. The cities traded with one another. Once a month the gals would drop metal dust, wood shavings, or whatever ‘treat’ was on sale at the micros-store. The civilization would gather it and process it into more goods and that kept the economy moving.
No expense was spared both containing and making up the landscape either. It had its own hydro-mist system built into the far wall of the case. Just like Starr’s city, it was also WiFi integrated complete with cameras. The brunette checked her phone to see how she looked from the capital city nearby. She smiled and saw the gesture reflected, from their perspective, with lips that could swallow a few towns whole.
She felt like a god.
Arianna and Nance walked in. Their feet created quite the quake as seen on Starr’s phone camera.
“Hey no shoes in the vivarium room, remember?”
Nance rolled her brown eyes while the she slid off her sandals. “They’re gonna shake anyways you know.” Starr saw and heard through her phone the thud Nance made when her soft tan feet set themselves to the floor.
“Of course, but it’s less. You know the rules. It’s not about never effecting them, but instead doing our best. We all remember the time Arianna dropped her hair clip on the continent.”
Arianna groaned. She had just finished taking off her sneakers, and her socked feet slipped free to the floor. She brought her hand to her blonde hair and checked the tightness of the glossy clip adorning it. “That was months ago, are you ever gonna let me live that down Starr?”
She and Nance walked over. Starr, crouched down on the ball of her feet, watched with her eyes some micro cars slightly bounced. Most people stayed put when the sorority sisters were here in the room: at least till they stopped moving for a bit. Easier to avoid flying off the roar or tripping that way. Starr spoke as Arianna and Nance approached.
“Yeah well it fell on Graylando and leveled the entire city. They still haven’t fully rebuilt you know.”
Arianna crouched down to Starr’s left while Nance, taller than the other two, could just sit at the right. Sure enough, at the sight of Graylando there were two buildings under ‘reconstruction.’ Arianna stared right at it, and her green eyes reminded the thousands living there of a very bad time.
“They’re so fragile. It’s hard to believe they’re even humans like us.” said Nance. Her own gazed watched a road where teeny tiny specks sped through. Fast as the cars were, it was a snail’s pace to the three college seniors.
“Well they aren’t exactly like us. They do come from other universes.” said Arianna. “Plus, they got two kinds of humans there.”
“Oh yeah that’s right. What do they call them again?” said Nance.
“Just ‘men’” said Starr.
“Yeah that’s it. What curious little beings those are. Strange way of reproducing too.” said Arianna.
“I know. Imagine having some wacky flopping noodle thing between your legs like that?”
The three of them shared a laugh.
“Strange little creatures indeed.” said Starr. “Anyways let’s get onto the-” she paused, her eyes stopped at a curious sight. A road was blocked off. Off to the side were some shavings of gold: an entirely useless metal in their world that micros really liked for some reason. Seems people from the nearby two cities were fighting over it.
Fighting was against the rules, something Starr had made clear in the past.
“Arianna, hit the pulley switch.”
“Oh is it punishment time? Can I do it?”
“You already punished Graylando for doing nothing with that hair clip of yours. I can handle this.”
“Wait, what about me?” said Nance.
Starr paused.
“Alright I guess I did the last bit of discipline before Arianna’s gaff so it’s all yours.”
The black-haired woman smiled.
The pulleys hoisted the lid up with a bit of noise and the three gals rose to their feet.
“Just be very specific with the area. ZZ sorority's had this for over 30 years. Some of those cities are older than us, so no collateral.
“Yeah yeah~” said Nance. She leaned over the edge of the Vivarium just and spoke. It was rare they got to dish out punishment like this, so the other two gals crowded around to watch. Starr held out her phone. Her and Arianna occasionally glanced at the screen to see the micros’ perspectives of things. There were little cameras speckled throughout the landscape of course.
“You’re all engaging in the great sin of intercity quarreling. A big no no. I, Goddess Nance...”
The other gals giggled. Nance herself had to swallow her mirth to continue.
“I... Goddess Nance will be dealing out the retribution today. Death by divine touch~”
The brown-skinned woman leaned over. She stretched out her index finger with its turquoise polish. Over the bickering clump of cars, each filled with rivaling city officials, loomed the tip of that digit. They hurried back to their vehicles, but she was simply too big to outmaneuver here.
The mile-thick digit landed and snuffed them right out. The continent itself was a little fortified so long as you didn’t apply too much pressure, but the cars, road segments, and the people beneath were crushed with ease. Nance gave her finger two slight twists that sent a rumble through the landscape.
The raven-haired woman brought her hand back up to her face, leaving behind a fairly deep crater where her finger came down. Nance squinted at the bits of micro landscape stuck on the digit. She slipped it past her lips and sucked it clean.
“Punishment’s over. Clean it up within 3 days or there’ll be more trouble.”, she said.
Her and the other two college students snickered. Arianna went over and hit the switch to lower the lid back down. The three chatted while Arianna and Nance got their shoes back on.
“Alright Starr hurry and shower and stuff. The karaoke contest starts in an hour.”
“Yeah yeah we have plenty of time.” she said dismissively. “I can’t believe how bad the potential recruits were this year though. Did you see them all the other day?”
“Yeah, semester’s off to a lame start. Lots of uncool types.” said Arianna.
“I almost felt bad declining so many of them.” said Starr. “Almost.”
“Yeah, but why’d you decline that ginger woman. What was her name? Eryn? She was kind of cute.” said Nance.
Starr shrugged. “I just got the feeling she wouldn't fit in. She’s too... tomboy-y for us.”
“Pfft” scoffed Arianna. “I think you were just jealous. She had some real pretty hair. Nothing wrong with being a tomboy either. Maybe you were jealous of her body too.”
Her and Nance giggled.
Starr huffed. “Nonsense! Anyways, I’m gonna go shower and change. I’ll meet you two and the rest of the sorority outside in about 15 minutes. We should have have enough cars between the three of us.”
“Kay.” said the two.
Starr was the last to leave the room. She shut the door just as the lid came back down.