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Author's Chapter Notes:

My first story on here. Please leave reviews and comments. This is a story I have wanted to do for a while, so please let me know what y'all think.

It was a Friday morning; Taya was lying in bed, not wanting to get up for school. She was a senior in high school, but unlike every other high schooler in the world, she was a goddess and the world's biggest daddy girl. Growing up, it was just Taya and her dad Jordan; due to Taya's mother being a goddess, she was never around except for the occasional birthday. Her mother granted her at age six goddess powers. Since then, the town she lives in and the nearby city know not to cross her. Taya frequently abused her powers to the benefit of her father and friends. As the sun peaked through the windows, Taya grumbled, not wanting to get up and go to school, her brown hair a mess and throwing the blankets off as she stands in her teal sweater and matching shorts. Standing at her average size of 100 feet, she heads downstairs and has her hair and makeup done with a snap of her fingers. 


"good morning, daddy," she says, seeing her father sitting at the kitchen table. "do you have to go to work today?" her father nods as he takes a sip of his coffee, "Yeah, hoping to get that promotion over that jerk Jim Sanders." He says with a scoff. Taya makes sure to make a note about that name in her head. 


"Well, don't you worry Daddy, I am sure you will get it. I am off to school." Taya grabs her bag and heads out the door, and as she does, her father calls out, "don't forget some of my buddies from college are coming over tonight." She steps out, growing herself from the average 100 feet size to 200 feet as she needs to make a stop before getting to school. As Taya walks down the town's roads, the people she passes can't help but admire her while fearing her. Her D cup breasts bounce under her sweater, and the teal booty shorts hug her above averaged and toned rump. Using her powers, Taya gets the address of Jim Sanders, the man trying to steal from her dad. At least, that is how Taya viewed it. 


"588...590.... here we go 592 East Elm street." Taya steps on to the front yard and waits for Jim to come out; as he steps out, he drops his coffee as he sees this young woman standing there. 


"Uhmm...uhmm... hello there, you're Jordan's girl Tay...Taya ri...right." he is sweating and adjusting his tie and figures; this cannot be good. Like everyone in the town, he knew what she was capable of and often excited to do. "Why yes, I am, such a good memory, no wonder you are competing with my daddy for that new position. I hope you don't mind that I came to..." she giggles as she trails off "talk." 


"Yes, ma'am, what do you want to talk about." Taya doesn't say anything and just stands there looking down at him. The more time that passes, the more Jim begins to tremble. Looking away from him, Taya glances at his car, then turning away from him. "Oh, I guess I forgot." acting as she is about to walk away, she then drops her ass down on the car. The metal figure being flattened beneath her. "oh whoops, well, that will make getting to the interview harder." She laughs as Jim's face has flushed and is as pale as a ghost. "But that's still not good enough. You could take some public transportation... I guess you will like this." Taya quickly moves as she snatches Jim into her hand and shoves him deep between her cleavage. Then getting up and beginning to head to school, with a smile radiating off her face.



Meanwhile, Jordan is in his car driving to work, and like his daughter, he could not wipe the smile off his face. He knew his daughter well and knew all he had to do was mention Jim's name, and he knew his daughter would be on the hunt. Taya was a daddy's girl, and daddy's not so little angel, and Jordan abused this love often. Never in a harmful way to his daughter but detrimental to society. He frequently had her steal things for him or crush people just to make his life a little more convenient. Just last month, he wanted to see a movie, but there was a line, and he would miss the premiere. With a quick call to Taya and fibbing about everyone cutting him in line, Taya got her dinner, and Jordan goes to the front of the line. While he will not know what Taya has in store for Jim, he will find out later tonight as she will brag to him about it. 

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