Date: May 22 2019 2:02 AM Title: Chapter 1
Only just discovering your stuff! Its so deliciously evil!
I hope we get more shorts!
If you want I'll write a story for you as thanks for this great stuff!
Date: May 20 2017 8:23 AM Title: Chapter 1
He, do you think you'll ever release another story again? I miss these stories...
Author's Response:
Unfortunately, only if inspiration really strikes. I do post on writing.com under the username perfect_angel (penname Stars), or blushingfaerie/paleangel for my non-erotic work.

Date: September 04 2016 10:05 AM Title: Chapter 1
Awesome as always

Date: July 23 2016 10:52 AM Title: Chapter 1
The begging and pleading for oblivion, then denial, brutal.
Date: June 11 2016 12:17 AM Title: Chapter 1
This was awesome. I loved how brutal the giantess was. One of the few things I can't cope with is heat related torture, so the thought of being seared by a lit cigarette actually makes me cringe. I would be a yowling, crying mess through all of that. Good stuff! Makes me glad I quit smoking.
Also, was there a reason you wanted to know where I lived? =P
Author's Response:
It's so I can hide in your kitchen cabinets and take you down facehugger style. I'll be there. Always watching. Always waiting.

Date: June 10 2016 6:10 PM Title: Chapter 1
Tough day at work, Anna?
Anyway, great stuff. Really enjoyed the initial crush.
Hope to see more.
Author's Response:
You ever see that episode of Spongebob called "The Krusty Krab Training Video" where Squidward gets so fed up that he starts slamming his head against the register? Yup.