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Author's Chapter Notes:
Ambloome is crowned the new queen of the giants.
With his team of rebel Vikings on the lookout, Alban snuck
Into Nonvor’s royal chamber, where he had a bit of luck,
Finding Friemann’s drinking water. Then he poured their foul elixir
In the water, thinking, “Kayte’s Mom counts on him, but this’ll fix her.”

They had pulled it off, though Nonvor had discovered their escape,
With the Port-a-Vaults in ruins and their doors bent out of shape.
When she went inside the chamber later, she discovered Friemann
Barely conscious, with his skin gone red. She cursed some unknown demon.

He was dying, and her scientists had no known way to cure
What would kill an earthling body, which was previously pure.
Nonvor took him with her amulet, and traveled from the present
To the future, where the outcome wasn’t nearly so unpleasant.

In the distant future, radiation treatments would sustain
Fltye, if given to him weekly, but he’d still need to remain
In the future. So with heavy heart, the queen did abdicate
All the rights to rule her kingdom, as a policy of state.

There were quick and sad farewells, as she collected (from her wealth)
All she needed for a future house and home and Friemann’s health.
Then she traveled to the future, with her sudden abdication
Leaving urgent need to organize Queen Ambloome’s coronation.

All her Viking friends were special guests, as well as giant girls
Who were dating them. Lee-John enjoyed The Passing of the Pearls,
Which was part of that great ceremony. Yet he wouldn’t settle,
With the rebel Vikings on the loose. That hunt would test his mettle.

Two days later Ambloome gathered all her soldiers and a stack
Of her giant friends and Viking allies. “That’s the third attack
On our cross-dimension dating venture. I was quite specific,
That there shouldn’t be another. Yet this last was quite horrific.”

She made Stawmi’s role official as the Keeper of the Trade,
To provide her troop with amulets. Then several more were made.
Then she led a team to Norway, sent them out to every city,
And demanded they produce the team who’d poisoned without pity.

Friemann Flyte was one of theirs, and though the queen had been quite blunt,
They were just as keen as her to implement a proper hunt.
When they’d tracked down all the rebel Vikings, Ambloome stayed in Norway,
With officials who had helped her, saying, “Now it’s time for your say …

… You had motive, which we’ve seen before; but now you’d better talk.
Who removed the doors from Port-a-Vaults and gave the sapling stalk
That you needed for the poison, which was used on my stepfather?
When I know, I’ll leave you here, but I’ll be nasty, if you’d rather.”

“It’s Deevawsidadde. He said the woman he had tried to court
Was in love with some kid from the village. Then he said he thought
We could help each other put a stop to things, if we were tricky.
So he gave me sapling serum, and I slipped a fatal Mickey.”
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