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Author's Chapter Notes:

Story Notes:            Now for romance, and some harmless shrinking…


Eventually Fireball XL-5 was armed with Father Unwin’s now modified shrinking Bible. Steve and Venus and Captain Scarlet and Captain Magenta flew Fireball into striking distance of Mars and fired the device.


“It’s unbelievable. It’s reducing the whole planet just as International Rescue said it would,” said Captain Magenta.


This time the Mysterons were the ones caught off guard. Within a very short time, the planet was shrunken right out of sight.



Captain Black contacted Spectrum and said that he was now no longer under the Mysteron influence and deeply regretted all the trouble and damage he’d been involved in causing. He was readmitted to Spectrum after a thorough physical and psychological examination by Dr Fawn. Both Black and Scarlet retained their retrometabolism power, but need never fear being taken over by Mysteron mentality again. Now Captain Blue had time to date Symphony Angel. Captain Scarlet responded to Destiny Angel’s advances, and Captain Black slowly gained Melody’s trust enough to court her too. In Space City, Venus and Steve Zodiac were very much in love as well.


When all was back to normal, a much larger meeting was held with all members of the organisations, except for International Rescue, who did not class themselves as a spy or military organisation, and wanted their privacy maintained.


In the meantime, a new planet moved into the position once occupied by Mars and became the replacement 9th planet of the solar system of earth. This planet had been discovered by astronauts Glenn Ross and John Cain years earlier. Fireball XL-5’s crew visited the new planet, and learned that speech was relatively forward and easy to understand, but visually everything on the planet was reversed. Eurosec’s original leader had died in a hospital after a wheelchair collision with a wall mirror, but his chief security operator had taken over, and kept the organisation functioning in a limited capacity. With the new planet now in the old position of Mars, and the Mysterons gone forever, he was convinced that Eurosec could liase with Fireball XL-5’s crew to study the planet further and develop relations with its leaders.


With the Mysteron threat gone, Spectrum soon became obsolete. Several of its retrenched members went to Father Unwin’s church to ask for some guidance about their purpose in life. He introduced them to one of his parishionners named Sylvia, who has been working with Father Unwin on a special kind of superior marionation. Using Father Unwin’s shrinking Bible, they had reduced certain people and used them as stringless puppets in Sylvia’s new television puppet series called Poor Weather Falls.


Sylvia had once made a puppet movie called “The Men from MI-5 and Special Branch.” Having dated Scott Tracy without knowing of his International Rescue involvement, she had modelled British Secret Service Agent James Bonson’s puppet on Scott Tracy and based the Special Branch Chief Inspector’s puppet on Alan Tracy. Nowadays, with the use of the shrinking Bible, she was able to use real shrunken people.


Captain Ochre and Lieutenant Green and Lieutenant Maroon chose to be shrunken and take new roles on the show. They immediately began working on the pilot episode of Poor Weather Falls, which Sylvia titled called Special Ranch.


Somewhere in the headquarters of World Intelligence Network, Shane Weston was wishing he’d had the chance to record the brain pattern of Hirum Hackenbacker.


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