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Meanwhile the Justice League of America (Superman, Green Arrow, Batman, Aquaman and the Martian Manhunter’s replacement Hal Jordan aka Green Lantern) welcomed back Barry Allen as its resident Flash, after the Flash’s recent rescue from Professor Zoom’s clutches in the future.


Aquaman mentioned to the Flash, that Aqualad and Speedy and Robin had been hanging out together a lot lately. Flash suggested that Kid Flash join them. Robin soon decided to put together a team of teenaged super heroes and the four youngsters became known as the Teen Titans.


Meanwhile, the Justice League’s arch enemies (the Joker, Captain Boomerang, Black Manta, Clock King, Solomon Grundy and Polaris) formed the Injustice League of Doom and began plotting a master crime.




Kid Flash invited the other three Teen Titans to go for a ride with him on his cosmic treadmill. It took them to a parallel earth, where Rita Farr, Larry Trainor and Cliff Steele never got over their reactions to their conditions, as Niles Caulder didn’t exist. So the three became the Gloom Patrol, calling themselves Metal Menace, Negative Influence and Killer Mouth.


While visiting that earth, the Teen Titans soon responded to the Gloom Patrol’s next attack on the city. Negative Influence’s 60 Second Man left his body and knocked Kid Flash out at high speed. Metal Menace’s body resisted all of Speedy’s arrows. Killer Mouth grabbed Robin and Aqualad. She took all the Titans to a giant house that she’d built for herself in the mountains.


Before Kid Flash could revive, Killer Mouth used him like a stick and pushed two marshmallows around his head and body, so that he was too sticky to use his speed.

As soon as he awoke, he took stock of his surroundings. There was a giant marshmallow stuck to his neck and chin. Another had joined his legs together.


“It’s time to have a Flash-Kid-Bab,” said Killer Mouth, pushed him into her mouth and gulped the whole mixture down.


“I need water or I’ll die,” said Aqualad, still in shock at the loss of Kid Flash.


Killer Mouth put him into a jug of water and said that she would drink him down with it last, after she had decided what to do with Robin and Speedy. She put Robin into the oven to warm him up, while she took Speedy to the table and put him into her mouth.


Meanwhile Negative Influence and Metal Menace were visited by a trio of heroes from the same world. They were: Bigger Barda (a woman whose real name was Apoka Lips, who also had the power to grow to giant size); Mr Miniature (alias Scott Flea, with the power to shrink) and Off-Or-On (alias Oberon, with the power to suspend motion).



Off-Or-On stopped the 60 Second Man from leaving Negative Influence’s body. Mr Miniature shrank to tiny size, went inside Metal Menace’s robot body and disconnected vital wires, thus immobilizing the man. While they were at it, Bigger Barda had headed straight for Killer Mouth’s house.


Barda arrived and used her normal size to slip under Killer Mouth’s door just in time to see Killer Mouth putting Speedy into her mouth.


“Let him out!” said Bigger Barda, growing to giant size. She watched, too late, as Killer Mouth gulped Speedy down her throat.



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