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“The White Robert and I came upon this land, whereupon we discovered that the cake and drink we’d had made our sizes change, making me much larger than Robert,” said Alice, “As his size seemed suitable for eating him, I attempted to do so. On every occasion, he ran away,” said Alice.


“And what is your relationship with the defendant?” asked the Queen.


“I met him on the way here and gave generously of my kisses,” said Alice.


“Twas silly that the tiny boy

Did shy and quibble in the way

Of flimsiest of hopes as coy

That Alice wouldst not dine as may…” began the court scribe in song.


“No time,” said the Queen, “Trials come first. Songs may follow. It is the decision of this court that the White Robert, being of sound meat and suitable size should make himself available to Alice, so that she may eat him.”


“Surely I have the right of appeal,” said Robert.


“But you don’t have a peel,” said the Queen, “You are made of meat, are you not?”


Suddenly Alice grew to gigantic size again.


“Your Majesty,” said Alice, “I am ever so hungry, and Robert is no longer a suitable meal for me. May it please your Majesty to tell me the age of your court official?”


“He is fourteen,” said the Queen, “It saves us adult wages.”


“Then your Majesty, since I am now of a size suitable for eating your court official, may I ask if you would be able to spare him?”


“Well let me see,” said the Queen, “The matter of White Robert’s trial is concluded. So I have no further need of the court official at the moment. You have my royal permission to eat him.”


Tiny Robert looked up as Alice snatched up the court official and lowered him into her giant mouth and gulped and swallowed. Robert looked on at what had almost been his own future on several occasions. Then Robert grew back to normal size.


“Thank you, your Majesty,” said Alice, “Robert, I no longer feel hungry. Would you like to resume your courtship of me now?”


“I guess so,” said Robert.


“You are both dismissed from these proceedings,” said the Queen.


Alice and Robert began walking until Alice shrank back to normal size and held hands with Robert, as they made their way through Wonderland and into Looking-Glass Land.



“You must be the little boy who left footprints in my house the other day,” said Serena’s mother.


“I’m sorry about that,” said Jack.


“Think nothing of it,” said the giantess, smiling down at him without a care in the world, “You have more important considerations to concern yourself with. I’m going to gobble you all up for my dinner.”


She had not made a move to reach down and grab him, and he had made no move to run back under the cupboard. It seemed best to just continue looking up at her, for as long as it amused the beautiful giantess to make conversation. Jack wasn’t sure whether he was making this decision out of tactical wisdom or the mere fact that he was mesmerized by the sight of her towering beauty.


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