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Again Miss Yoop’s powerful arm came towards Woot, and her fingers gripped him inescapably, lifted him up a little, and then pushed him down into the pavlova until he was buried up to his shoulders. Woot was amazed, but he was also thoroughly frightened.


“It didn’t hurt, did it?” asked Miss Yoop.


“No, of course not,” said Woot, “But I don’t like being in this predicament. It’s sticky and undignified.”


“Well,” remarked the giantess, “I’m very well pleased with your predicament. I’m sure you will like it better when my tongue licks the pavlova from you later. So now it is time to add some whipped cream to you.”


Again he saw her powerful arms and hands going to work, as she poured cream into a bowl and whipped it for several minutes.


“Don’t you think you’d better leave me as I am?” asked Woot in a trembling voice.


“No,” she replied, “I’m going to make a main course of you. I like Gillikans. They’re so cute. I think a Gillikin pavlova will be very tasty now that I am hungry.”


Woot shivered, for again the powerful arms moved, and she began to ladle the now thickened white cream out evenly over the pavlova, taking care not to cover his eyes or mouth.


“Very good,” said the giantess, “Let us all become friends after all, and anticipate this meal together. How is my Gillikan boy feeling?”


“Fairly comfortable,” said Woot, “I wonder what I’m good for in this position.”


“You are only good to keep me fed,” replied the giantess, “Now I shall go and pick some fresh fruit, while you remain here. You are helpless and in my power. So you may as well make up your mind to be accept your fate and be content. Remember that you will be eaten for good, since no power on earth will be able to locate you or remove you from my stomach. Amuse yourself while I am gone, and when I return I hope to find you reconciled and happy.”


So the giantess walked to the door and out, down the hallway and into the garden. Soon she returned with strawberries and raspberries. She removed any stalks and then gently dropped the fruits onto the pavlova. Soon Miss Yoop took the pavlova to the dining table and sat down and began to eat. The sight she made, spooning fruit and cream and pavlova into her huge mouth and gulping it down, the movements Woot saw of her enormous neck (with the prospect of it soon gulping him down in the same way) filled the Gillikin boy with terror.


Soon she spooned Woot himself up to her mouth and looked at him.


“You’re still rather sticky, aren’t you?” she said.


“Y-yes,” stammered Woot.


“Gently, my little boy, gently,” she said, “There’s no need for fear of the unknown. Your future has already been confirmed. Now let’s see about the stickiness.”


Very gently, so as not to knock him off the spoon, Miss Yoop used only the side of her tongue to ease the remnants of cream from his body, while Woot stared in wonder at the top of her tongue just below his neck, spread out before him at point blank range. There was something about the proximity of that beautiful sparkling taste sensitive part of Miss Yoop, that made Woot raise his arms in turn and run them across the top of the swishing appendage.


“Now at last you’re cooperating,” she said, “It’s much nicer to face this together, isn’t it?”


“It would be nicer for me,” said Woot, “if I didn’t have to face it at all.”


“Quite, quite,” said Miss Yoop, “But there’s no time for you to go into that again. In fact, it is time for you to go into me. Farewell young Gillikin Wanderer.”



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