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In a few days, Alice had used her experience of tea parties from Wonderland, to organise an outdoor one for Mrs Grimble. She had told the Mock Turnip which seat she would offer to Mrs Grimble, so that the Mock Turnip could position himself suitably in the garden to gain a good vantage point.


The Mock Turnip waited eagerly, and was truly besotted with the sight of Mrs Grimble’s lovely mouth as she came walking through Alice’s garden and took her place at the seat as Alice had planned. He watched her talking and eating and drinking with Alice for a while, and then walked out and revealed himself.


“Hello little fellow. Who are you?” asked Mrs Grimble.


“May I present the Mock Turnip,” said Alice, “He wanted me to introduce the two of you.”


“Did he indeed?” asked Mrs Grimble with a great sense of curiosity, “And why did you wish to meet me, Mr Turnip?”


“I have always wanted to be eaten by a giantess,” said the Mock Turnip, but I can only be eaten on one single occasion”


“That can be a drawback for the one being eaten,” conceded Mrs Grimble politely.


“Only if I failed to offer myself to the most beautiful giantess with the most magnificent mouth I could ever find. From what your daughter told me, I was already intrigued, and as soon as I saw you, I knew for certain that there can be no mouth more beautiful, no neck more dainty, no stomach more inviting and no eyes more jovial about the whole idea than yours,” said the Mock Turnip.


“Well aren’t you quite the little charmer?” said Mrs Grimble gratefully, “Even my dear beloved Jack was never so willing. It would be my pleasure to gobble you all up at your earliest convenience.”


“I can assure you it will be my pleasure too,” said the Mock Turnip, “It’s just a matter of coordinating it.”


“I’d be happy to help,” said Alice, “I’ll invite Serena and Pipe Eddy and White Robert out on a long hike with me. We’ll go through the Valley, further than the eye can see, and camp out overnight. That way, you two can have your dining pleasure undisturbed.”


“Thank you very much,” said Mrs Grimble.


“Indeed,” said the Mock Turnip.



A few days later, the Mock Turnip walked into Mrs Grimble’s castle and saw her seated in her front room.


“Hello,” she said, getting up and walking over to pick him up, “It’s good to see you, little darling.”


She sat back down and held him in front of her face.


“I know. Thank you so much for doing this, Mrs Grimble.”


The lovely looking giantess stared at him, her eyes almost leaping out of her face with mirth at this unique offer that had been made to her with such enthusiasm, as she thought of all the boys who had sought to escape being the meals she had so happily made of them. This adorable human delicacy was unprecedented.



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