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“Is there an antidote?” asked Harper.


“I don’t know,” said Liz.


“Of all the foolish things,” said Harper, “What happens when we find another pilot for the ship?”


“Well I like that!” said Liz, “Mr Harper, anyone can see that you’ll never find another pilot now. We’ve lost most of our original group, starting with the Captain. I intend to find somewhere nice to live and spend my remaining days in comfort as a giantess in a giant land.”


Liz walked off slowly but confidently.


Barry started after her, running as fast as he could.


“They were good friends,” thought Harper, and left Barry the chance to say goodbye.


“Liz, wait!” called Barry, hoping she would stop before she outdistanced him.


“Barry!” she said, turning around and kneeling down in front of him, “I’m sorry I didn’t wait for you. I’m sure you don’t think I’m foolish.”


“No. I’ve always had a crush on you, and I think you look even more lovely as a giantess.”


“Barry, I never knew! Would you like to come with me then?”


“I’d like that more than anything,” said Barry.


For days, Liz carried Barry with her. By nights she slept on the grass, with Barry snuggled against her cheek or her neck.


One day, Betty brought the food shortage problem to Barry’s attention.


“It is difficult, Liz,” said Barry.


“I’m beginning to envy the girl who ate Joey,” said Liz, “Right now I’m sure that a little boy would taste very nice and fill me up too. I’ve always liked you too, Barry, and I think I’d like you even more in my tummy.”


“But that girl was a giant. She didn’t mind what happened to Joey.”


“I’m effectively one of the giants too now, Barry. Being their size is all it takes.”


“But you’ve been the stewardess all the time I’ve known you. You’ve always helped to keep us boys safe.”


“I know, Barry, but the problem is that you’re still safe, and I’m still hungry.”


“But …,” said Barry, unable to think how to dissuade her.


“You don’t know how to get out of this, do you?” giggled Liz.


“No, I guess I don’t, Liz,” said Barry.


“Well just don’t struggle, and you’ll go down more comfortably,” she said.


“I’ll try,” said Barry.


“There’s a good boy,” she said.


“Liz, would it be alright if I kissed you goodbye?”


“Of course it would, honey. We’ve been dearest friends for a long time.”


To ask her why then, was she eating him, seemed to Barry to serve only to spoil the last special moment he would ever have with her. He kissed her giant cheek and whispered to himself, “If you only knew how much I loved you.”


“I heard that,” she said, which only then reminded him of how close her cheek was to her ear, “I love you too, Barry. If only I wasn’t so hungry. Still, I suppose it can’t be helped. Will you be a good boy and climb onto my tongue?”


“I guess so,” said Barry, and watched Liz’s mouth open.


"Good. Soon you'll never be an orphan again," said Liz and re-opened her mouth.


He gazed in at her sparkling tongue, which reached into the back of her mouth. He climbed in and lay down, finding that he was not as long as the visible part of her tongue. He slid back and forwards for a while, until Liz gagged and gulped. As Barry reached her stomach and felt the tingling sensation of his body dissolving, Liz felt the nourishment of his presence and remembered him fondly.


Chapter End Notes:

This chapter was originally called "To never be an orphan again."

Carycomic's review of the previous chapter got me thinking, and so I renamed this chapter with a pun on the episode being rewritten, namely Genius at Work.

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