You wake up with a jolt. Last thing you remembered was you were sitting on the park bench, enjoying the sun, when everything started to go dark. When your eyes adjusted to the light again you saw that the surrounding area was huge! You had shrunken, mysteriously, to no more than an inch tall. This was bad, being outside right now was an opportunity for great danger. Anything from an animal to a bug could come attack you, and you'd be too small to fight back.
That's when salvation arrived. There was a girl named Zoey that would always roller skate around this park. She was really cute, and you had a pretty big crush on her. She was basically the reason why you hung around this park in the first place. Her body was tomboyish and slender: small breasts, petite ass. You liked the way she acted like a punk. At that moment she happened to be skating by, wearing a tank top and some skintight shiny black pants. You yelled as loud as you could, hoping to get her attention.
She hits the brakes on her roller skates.
She looked around until her eyes scanned the park bench. You saw her eyebrows raise, and her mouth changed from a surprised O-shape to a big smile.
"Whoooa! Is that really you?!" she exclaimed, bending down to look closer. "This is amazing! You're as tiny as a little bug! Ha ha ha!"
Her amused laugh almost sounded like she was laughing AT you. That kind of hurt your pride, but you needed her help. She continued giggling, the sight of you at an inch tall must have been pretty hilarious. Now that she was this close you could see sweat spots on her shirt. There were two big round ones below her armpits and a triangular damp spot on her chest. It was ludicrously hot out today, and the skating must have worked it out of her. Finally she stopped laughing and spoke.
"It's gonna be pretty hard to get around now. Want me to help you out? I can take you somewhere else."
"Yes! Thanks, you're a lifesaver!" you said.
"No prob, little dude. You can ride with me while I skate. I don't really have any pockets though, so you'll have to get in."
Get in? You didn't really know what she meant by that. Before you could ask she turned around and pointed her butt at the edge of the bench. While normally she didn't have much of a shapely behind, looking at it from this size made it look humongous. Her two magnificent cheeks were big and round, if she decided to sit down they could easily crush you. One of her hands came around back and yanked down her pants, unwedging the shiny black material and her panties out of her ass crack. Her entire butt was on display to you, pale and white and completely drenched in sweat.
"Quick! Before someone sees!" She urged.
You hesitated for the moment. Part of you wanted to dive into your crush's crack, sure, but something else was telling you that this wasn't going to be pleasant. A humid musk wafted up from her backside, tangy with the smell of sweat. Heat was emanating from her two juicy globes, as if there was an oven waiting inside. You didn't have much of a choice, it was either you took this ride or you would be left on the bench. Closing your eyes, you hopped in.
Zoey felt you enter and pulled her pants back up. The stretchy material was tugged tight into her backside, pulling you along with it. It was even more stuffy and humid in her ass than you expected, and her sweat was everywhere. What was worse was her ass cheeks were pressing down on either side of you, squishing your body between their warm snug grip. You thought you could deal with the discomfort but then Zoey started to skate. Immediately her buns started to grind together, the giant fatty walls crushed you on both sides. The hot slippery cheeks sent you jostling up and down. They kneaded together like dough and carried your poor body deeper. She picked up speed, pushing hard with her legs to go faster, even though it meant her buns would squeeze you harder. You yelled out for her to slow down, not to skate so rough, but your voice was muffled under her sweaty butt.
After ten minutes of non-stop skating you couldn't even tell what way was up anymore. Through the wet sound of Zoey's ass halves sliding together you heard a distant groan. Low gurgles bubbled through the giant tomboy's body, getting louder and louder. Suddenly a huge burst of air fired through her ass, and you knew which way you were facing again. Her cheeks slapped around you and beads of sweat were blasted into your mouth, along with a fresh helping of anal steam. Apparently her butthole was pointing right at you, and you got a hot boisterous fart delivered right to your nose. The heat was one thing, you didn't think her ass could get any hotter than it was already, but the smell was even worse. The rank sweaty tang of her ass crack compounded with the far more strong taste of her shit. The horrible rotten stench clung to your skin, slathered on by the sticky butt sweat. You gagged, it was stinging your eyes, and no matter how long you waited the smell was staying inside her panties. Up above you heard Zoey's voice, laughing out loud at her rude release.
She rounded a tight corner on her skates and had to bend low for a moment to control her center of gravity. Her ass cheeks spread apart, widening all the way to her crack, before she popped back up. Your body was thrown forwards and you landed on top of her butthole. Her tight ass cheeks slammed back together, leaving you pressed directly against the dirtiest part of her body. Zoey felt you touch her sensitive hole but didn't stop skating. Her anus pulsated and writhed against you torso, sliding its puffy wrinkles lips all over your face. It was red hot, and no less sticky and sweaty than the rest of her ass crack. Bits of smelly grime were lodged between her wrinkles, they got in your hair as the anus throbbed. You could hear her heartbeat pounding into you, almost in rhythm with the crushing stomps of her skates.
Another low gurgle sounded off, except it was much closer this time. Zoey's anus puckered, puffing up for a second, until finally a terribly raunchy fart exploded from her asshole. A huge whirlwind of gas blasted you directly in the face. Her anus trembled as it cut loose, its rubbery wrinkles vibrated into your skull to let it all through. Fiery hot whisps of stink shot up your nose, and down your throat. The giant tomboy girls fart entered your body, burning you from within. The bubbling eruption slowed down and then doubled in force as another bout of fart bubbles gushed through her shithole. You couldn't believe how much gas this girl had, and the smelly was unholy. You tried to get away, escape the hot fart as it tapered off, but it was no use. Zoey's huge cheeks kept you locked in place as she skated.
You were stuck there for a long time. Zoey kept skating for the next hour, blasting you with awful farts whenever she felt like it. Her guts grumbled and churned, almost angrily. Another hot burst of gas shot out her anus, smelling even heavier than it did before. Zoey's butthole let out a huge thick fart on your head, with a loud BLURRTPT! The stench was stronger than any of her previous ones, more potent with the odor of shit. The mighty ass grumbled in front of you again, you prepared for another fart but it never came. Instead her anus was puckering, from something else. You shouted for Zoey as her wrinkled sphincter bulged out, bending your neck backwards while it struggled to hold in whatever was inside. To your horror the puckered lips started to open, and the heat and smell of the shit inside started to leak out.
Just then Zoey's hand came to save you, pulling you out of her ass in the nick of time. She had made it to the park restroom, and held you in one of the stalls. You expected her face to look apologetic, sorry for the stinky experience you just went through, but right now it was just as cheerful as always.
"WOW I can't believe you survived that! My gas can get pretty bad sometimes, ha ha. You've really proven yourself to be worthy, little dude!" she said, smiling.
After being stuffed into her farting anus for an hour it was hard to share her enthusiasm. Still, Zoey's mood was a bit infectious, and got your hopes up. Maybe now that you've been deemed "worthy" you wouldn't have to ride in her ass again. You would ask her if you could ride in her hands on the way back, as long as she didn't squeeze into a fist and crush you it'd be fine. Or maybe she meant you were worthy of something else? Worthy of her help? Or even a relationship with her? Maybe once this shrinking thing was over with you could finally get to be your crush's boyfriend.
"So... I'm worthy now, is that it?" You tried to sound nonchalant about it.
"Yeah! Worthy of being my ass's roommate!"
...What? Her hand swung back again, dropping you down on the small porcelain platform behind the toilet seat. Your back was to the white tank and when you looked up you saw Zoey's ass was bent over. You watched in awe as Zoey pulled her pants all the way down. She exposed her gigantic ass, it was still dripping with sweat. You knew what was going to happen next. Unceremonious her ass dropped, slamming down ferociously on the toilet seat. You were nearly hit by her massive butt cheeks impact.
"Not many people can handle my gas's smell. I'm surprised you're fine with it, or at least can tolerate it. That's good too, because I've been holding this in for a while!" she said, shooting a fart into the toilet bowl.
The fart was loud, even from outside of the toilet the booming sound hurt your ears. Zoey's hot girl gas seeped out through the gaps of the toilet seat, assaulting your nose. She thought you could handle her smell?! The truth was anything but, her farts made you feel sick! She leaned forward on the seat, rolling her ass cheeks up and displaying her crack to you.
"Get a good look at your roommate, little dude. This is the ass that saved you, ha ha!" she laughed.
You could see her bulging asshole and the turtlehead of shit that was already sticking out of it. The fart had knocked it loose and now it was ready to come out. You stood there repulsed, watching Zoey's enormous ass as it let out huge logs of crap. The turds splashed loudly into the toilet, punctuated by the sound of her peeing. The smell was unreal. Even though you weren't stuck against her anus anymore, the raw scent of her shit was just as overpowering as her farts. You could hear Zoey grunt and her anus widened, straining to let out another huge bundle of excrement. You could see every disgusting detail, the way her muscles moved as they pushed, the globs of shit that stuck to her anus, even a small glimpse inside her gaping abyss. Hot puffs of gas shot out at you, the angle her butt was at after she bent forward meant you were taking her farts head on.
She pushed out a few more logs of shit and than began to wipe, humming contently to herself as she did so. While you watched the toilet paper soak up her disgusting mess you felt a heaviness in your chest. You realized that this was your place in her life. Any ideas you had of being her equal, being anything more to her than a companion for her butt, were gone. You needed to talk to her, convince her not to put you back in her panties. To your dismay though when she picked you back up she didn't bring you to her face.
"Well, back you go! Have fun!" she giggled, and dropped you back into her sweaty underwear.
You screamed on the way down, silenced by her stretchy pants snapping back against her waist.
With the afternoon winding down, Zoey skated home. She was happy to find dinner was waiting for her, and sat down to eat it with her family. Her meal of steak and potatoes was devoured within minutes, Zoey was hungry and wolfed it all down. After that she relaxed in her chair and a bellowing fart ripped from her ass. The girl snickered at her noisy release, much to the disapproval of her mother.
"Zoey I told you already, no more farting at the table! It's rude! Also after dinner I want you to get your homework done, you've got school tomorrow." she said.
"Fiiiiiiine." Zoey replied back.
After that she went upstairs to her bedroom. You could feel her ass halves crushing you into her sticky hole, the orifice was still rank from her recent emission. You couldn't believe she left you in there while she ate, and farted on you no less! At least now that she was going to her room she'd take you out of this stuffy rancid prison. You dreamed of breathing fresh air again.
Those naive hopes were dashed as you felt Zoey's ass slam into her desk chair. She had sat down to do her homework and wasn't going to take you out. You shouted and kicked angrily, doing anything you can to get her attention. Absentmindedly Zoey wiggled her giant ass into the chair, barely registering your struggles as she spent all her brainpower focusing on the schoolwork. Her cheeks streamrolled your tiny back from behind, smothering the front of your body against her foul asshole. The slimy anal wrinkles hugged you deeply. With zero space between your face and her buttflesh you had to breathe through the gaps of her puffy crevices. You were left in this uncomfortable position for hours, the only change coming when Zoey would lean her ass from side to side. You took a moment to reflect on your life, you had gone from a normal person relaxing on a park bench, to a man living inside a girls ass crack, one who still had homework.
After about 11:00 Zoey yawned and stretched her arms up in the air. She finally finished her homework and felt ready to sleep. Showers could wait til later, right now she was going to bed. You felt her giant body roll under her covers, and were relieved when the weight of her ass lifted off you. She was lying flat on her belly which meant that gravity was helping her butt cheeks ease off of you. It only took a few minutes for her to doze off, you could hear her light snoring. Suddenly she rolled over sideways in her sleep, shifting her giant soft buns together. The weight returned and jammed you once again into her butthole.
You stayed like this for another hour, unable to wedge yourself out from her salty sweaty ass crack. The sounds of Zoey's distant snoring kept you company, but eventually you heard something else. Muffled grumbles resonated from inside the girl's body as her intestines broke down her last meal. The sounds got louder as they approached and you could feel her huge butthole start to quiver. Up above Zoey made a groan of discomfort as the pressure built inside her. Her sticky anus twitched, and then blasted you with a roaring hot fart. The noxious odor that you had become sick of smelling came back in full force, filling your poor lungs with burning gas. You could taste her dinner in your mouth, feel it stain your skin down to your pores. As soon as it had begun, it was over, but more loud gurgles could be heard bubbling within.
For the next half hour you were pelted with farts. Zoey's butt would fire off at random, spurting out loud bassy blasts that made her whole ass rumble. It was getting harder for you to breathe, the smell down in her buttcrack was thick enough to cut with a knife. You hated this, and the more you thought about it, the more you realized it wasn't going to end soon. Zoey would probably keep you in her butt throughout all of tomorrow as well. It was Monday, and she would most likely want a toy to entertain her through the boredom of school. You needed to get out of here.
She seemed to have stopped farting for a few minutes now, this was as good of a chance as you'd ever get. Trying as hard as you could, you pushed against her massive butthole. You felt weakened from her series of farts, like your body was only using a quarter of your normal strength. The awful smell drove you to keep pushing, to somehow get this disgusting wrinkled pucker off your flesh. The weight from her cheeks combined with the sticky nightmare that was her gas had made you skin become plastered to the wrinkles of her anus. It was like your two bodies had fused, and just pushing yourself off her asshole was an ordeal. Your arms shook as you weakly pushed them away from the meat. It was hard, but slowly you felt your body begin to peel off of hers. Your skin felt like it was yours again, and it was extra sensitive to the small amount of air touching it deep within the tomboys crack.
Unfortunately Zoey's anus felt the same way. Her anus started twitching in response, grossly quivering its hot lips. You braced yourself for another blast of air but nothing happened. There weren't any gurgles from her guts either.
"Itchy..." Zoey's voice muttered into her pillow.
You felt her body move up above. Her ass cheeks started to shift around again, and suddenly you were hit with a massive driving force. Zoey's giant finger and nail were pounding your tiny body through her panties, using you to scratch her anus in her sleep. Your body was mangled up and down, rubbed harshly into her damp greasy folds. The anus puckered back, squirming with slimy hot shudders as if it was actually enjoying you being wiped into it. Zoey's fingernail pushed below your hips, painfully jamming your legs against her rubbery orifice. Your heart skipped a beat as you felt your legs slip inside her backdoor. The mighty anus immediately clenched down on them and before you knew it you were stuck. The girls finger slammed down on your head one last time before retreating, forcing your hips to pop inside her anus.
You began to panic. Her finger was gone but now you were stuck partway inside her asshole. Desperately, you pushed down on her rubbery sphincter with both hands to try and hoist yourself out. Her grip was tight however, and you could barely budge. You continued to push with all your strength but then you went to far. Her anus felt the pressure of your palms on it and twitched in response. This threw you off balance and you arms slipped down between her sweaty wrinkled folds. Now you were extra fucked and could only wriggle like a worm to try and get yourself out. The giant hole felt that too, and hungrily clenched down on your body, sucking you all the way to your chest.
Thing were looking grim. At this rate you were going to be sucked all the way inside her hole. You didn't want to be eaten alive by this girls anus, being trapped inside her bowels was too horrible to even think about. You decided to stop struggling since it was only making matter worse. Soon after a low gurgle echoed from inside Zoey's ass. You felt it rumbling through her colon, travelling all the way up to your legs. The huge anus engorged around your torso, crushing you under the heavy pressure. Eventually it hit its limit and the girls fart came out, engulfing you in a muggy whirlwind of smell. The gas expelled out slowly and silently, hissing out the cracks of her anal wrinkles while the hole kept you in place. The fart was long and boiling hot, the steaming air that had fermented inside her bowels blazed against your skin. The stench was extra potent, her large steak dinner made the gas smell extra meaty.
You coughed and twisted your body in a fit, unable to handle the extra strong dose of girl gas. Zoey's anus contracted inwards from your movements, pulling you deeper inside her booty. This is how the rest of your night went, you were slowly sucked deeper into the giant asshole, bit by bit. Her butt would fart every now and then, overwhelming you with a dutch oven of hot shitty stink. Then without fail it would clench, and you would feel yourself get dragged down further into her anus. This is how your first night ended as her ass's roommate.