Scott was used to rough play at this point - Kiana had managed to smoosh him with her ass, squish him with her booty shorts, burped over him, crushed him into her cameltoe, and of course farted unendingly on his poor, battered body. Silent but deadlies, loud booty bombs, great broccoli stinkers, even wet farts. He thought he had seen the worst she could possibly dole out, yet somehow Kiana managed to get rougher and rougher with his poor diminutive form, more disgusting and more smelly. The worst part is, this was all unaware. She couldn't actually live like this, right? Worse, if she found him and was mad at him about all this... He was very afraid of how she could possibly make it any worse if she wanted to.
All of this was what he was thinking as her pussy drooled over his poor form, his body squeezed tightly into her sloppy cameltoe as she crouched, her booty shorts pulled taut, pushing him deeper and deeper into their folds. He still tried to escape, even knowing it was futile, yet all it did was increase the small itch Kiana felt in her now slobbering snatch. She quickly slipped her fingers into her pants, teasing her vagina - and pushing Scott even deeper in. As messy as this was, and as scary as it was to be pushed in deeper by her giant fingers, Scott at least took solace in the fact he had escaped her ass. After dealing with literal hours spent trapped by her dingy hole, dirty air whizzing by almost nonstop, he figured even these roaring lips would be better. Gasping as he found an air bubble amidst the juices, he was still assaulted by her cunt's strong, dominating, musky scent. Certainly preferable to her farts, at least... That was what he thought until she unceremoniously dropped her body even further, pussy meeting the floor with a squelch, as she made a final half-hearted wipedown of the cola, before giving up, grabbing her soda, and even more chips and dip. Unfortunately, that squelch had a far bigger impact for Scott, who was literally knocked out by the force of her maw dropping upon him.
Five minutes later, Scott awoke with a startle. For a second he thought he had had a horrible dream, but as he lashed out at the warm, sticky sheets around him, he realized he was not in his bed under his sheets, but stuck between a rather different kind of meaty sheets. The massive maw had settled down in the past few minutes, settling from a frothy boil to a stoked heat as Kiana sat sprawled in her chair, glued to the TV and once again focused more on shoving chips and dip down her chiphole than she was her other hole. She could continue massaging her muscles anytime - she needed to soak in all the exploits of the main character now. Besides, they would make good fuel later, since she didn't have Scott to... keep her busy. Scooting further down in the seat, she propped her legs up and apart on the table in front of her chair, as well as giving herself a bit of a wedgie when her booty shorts were brought further back. This didn't really bother her, as she was too busy watching her show, but it had the unfortunate effect of once again forcing her cameltoe front and center. And as the junk food mixed with the last remnants of the Mexican, the pizza, and vast amounts of chip, dip, and bubbly cola she had recently consumed, her bad posture made her insides bubble yet again.
Scott was more aware of this than Kiana's distracted self, his ears pressed straight against her vagina's tight walls, transferring all of her body's sounds straight to him, from the deep thump of her heart, to the many hearty squelches all around his body in her impressive chasm. However, he felt more than heard the gastrointestinal distress her body was going through, the massive rumbling shaking him around the tight, confined space... as well as the air bubble around him. Kiana grabbed another handful of chips, dipped them, and shoved them into her mouth before scratching at her suddenly itchy pussy once again. She could feel a bit of air was trapped deep within her quivering quimm, and in retaliation she unconsciously spread her legs even farther open. It was an unladylike display, but she was alone, and it seemed to get the job done, as the next time she laughed at the show, she felt the queef leave her hole.
For Scott this was a much larger discharge, as he felt air rising from even deeper within her folds, carrying him and the air bubble he was trapped in upwards. This air bubble brought with it the scent of the deepest areas of Kiana's snatch, which were not quite as pleasingly fragrant or flowery as the fresh outside had led him to believe. The juices around him tasted better than drowning in her ass, at least... However, as he and the air erupted from her with the queef, he was sprayed all over by it, sticking him to her dirty panties. He wiped his eyes as best he could, but was met only by the sight of her once again gaping, meaty hole, which was now actively breathing in and out, as if it had been a workout for the giant hole. One more tiny spurt of air and juices splatted him before the cunt calmed down, though this discharge was too small for Kiana to even notice. Now Scott was trapped once again with the massive hole, the cameltoe pressing him directly against it, but this time he was trapped by the now drying sticky juices.
Kiana was distracted more by her poor upset tummy, which she rubbed and hand across as she took a quick swig of cola to calm it a bit. It looked like the pizza and junk food were still insisting on giving her gas, much to her dismay. Well, it was just something else to keep her busy as she watched her favorite show. She giggled, wondering how the main character would react to seeing her like this. Her mind was finally free of Scott, as she was too absorbed in her show to even think about him, or even much about the fart that was ready to exit her bowels. In fact, the dirtiness of thinking about all of this only turned her on a bit more... She scratched at her cameltoe one more time, feeling the itch again. She would really need to deal with her pent up sexual frustrations soon... but before that, she felt something else she needed to release, and she scrunched up her face as she put pressure on her anus.
Scott was forced against her vagina once again by Kiana's massive probing fingers, but it seemed nothing would dislodge him from the solidified bonds of her cum. Scott was too tired to fight anyway, and chose to look at this as a break from all the climbing and flailing he had done. At least he was free from both her ass and - well, at least the inside of - her pussy. Merely being brushed against it wasn't so bad, and when she removed these... Well, he wasn't sure what he'd do, but it couldn't be worse than being faced with her opening vagina. Far below him, a quake came from deep within Kiana's bowels. The foul mixture of Mexican, Pizza, Chip, and Cola had finally reached her asshole.
It begain belching out the tainted air entombed within for a solid five seconds before sputtering to a stop "Phwew, feels good to get that out in the open. Good thing that loaded gun's pointed away from me." Kiana giggled at her own childish jokes. For you it was no laughing matter - though you were trapped against her large labia, the tight panties and booty shorts kept most of this foul fart trapped, and it quickly rose up to you and stayed there. The flowery, musky scent of her vagina mixed with the foul, shitty stench of the depths of her bowels, rotten pizza, broccoli, and onion dip now amalgamated into the worst stench you could imagine. And unfortunately, it didn't stop there.
Kiana moaned happily as she rubbed her groaning stomach. Imagining the main character of her favorite show grossed out by this display sent her nethers roaring back to life, and it was soon going to be a commercial break. She hadn't considered this sort of thing before, but between all her gassy emissions, watching her show all day, and how horny she had made herself with this itching, she was raring to go. Her guts uttered another protest however, as she hissed more gas out in a silent but deadly. She wasn't sure whether to focus on trying to release as much of this pressure during the break, or trying to fulfill her other need she had put off.