Penname: MicroThaumaturge [Contact] Real name: Good Question
Member Since: January 12 2022
Membership status: Member

A long-time lurker too meek to share, I am finally taking my first steps into contributing something back to the community.  I'm fairly open to most fetish content, though there are a few topics I try to lean away from, and a couple I will not touch.

Preferences: F/f, FF/f, Gentle, Insertion, Body Exploration, Mouthplay

Will not write: Scat, Watersports, Hard Vore

[Report This]
Reviews by MicroThaumaturge
Summary: Past Featured Story

(Paramouth's First Annual "Nommies" Nominee for Best Story: runner up!)

A Hungry vampire and a humble borrower seem like an unlikely pair of friends, but when times are tough and they're both down on their luck, maybe they can find what they need in each other. 

Edit: 8/12/2021 Back with a MASSIVE chapter. Obligatory "a bit late for 8/8." Hope you all enjoy! (Also, wow! almost a year since I began this! That's wild!) 

The tags listed are all included in the story so far. I'll add more tags as I go.

For the record, the violent, tag does not apply to how the main characters interact, but there is violence in the story. The primary G/t relationships in this story are all gentle/non-fatal.

Categories: Giantess, Adventure, Breasts, Body Exploration, Butt, Crush, Entrapment, Fantasy, Gentle, Insertion, Lesbians, Mouth Play, Violent, Vore
Characters: None
Growth: Amazon (7 ft. to 15 ft.), Giant (31 ft. to 50 ft.), Mini GTS (16-30ft)
Shrink: Lilliputian (6 in. to 3 in.)
Size Roles: F/f, F/m, FF/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Series: None
Chapters: 13 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 90622 Read Count: 99377
[Report This] Published: August 18 2020 Updated: August 12 2021
Reviewer: MicroThaumaturge Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: January 12 2022 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Unlikely Friends

I have been a long-time lurker, but I finally created an account to say that I absolutely love this story.  I've read through from Chapter 1 several times, (though I admit I come back and cherry pick the more sensual scenes when the mood strikes me) but from start to finish, there are a few things that strike me with every reading session. 

Even after I-don't-know-how-many re-reads, I cannot get over is how sensual this story is.  You constantly engage the imagination with details for all 5 senses, and frame the sensations in a way that the reader constantly desires to experience more.  I also enjoy how you maintain tension throughout the story; you use little things like the townspeople leaving and Vela's need to react for survival, or the build-up to discovering Leo through the wall, to keep the reader engaged - and then you build the tension into something sexual.  Finally come the scenes that bring many of us here, and your pacing and detail in the height of passion does not disappoint.

I suppose rather than waxing rhapsodic, I should cut to the chase and say that I find the story and characters engaging, appealing, and, well, quite sensual.  I've long held oral vore at arm's length, as something deeply alluring, but with too much danger and all too oft holding the promise of tragedy at the end, but the soft, relatively safe vore you portray has made me a convert.  That being said, if you wish to continue with the vaginal insertion scenes, I will be here eagerly awaiting them.

I very much look forward to the next chapter of this story.  Please keep writing, for we will definitely be here to partake of the fruit of your efforts.  And, most importantly, Thank You for all you have written thus far.

Author's Response:

Right off the bat: thank you SO much for this glowing review, I’m sorry it took me so long to respond. But I read it the day you posted it, and I have to tell you how much it meant to me on that day in particular to get feedback like this. I needed it then! I’m glad I have the bandwidth to reply to you now. 

Just hearing that someone chooses one of my stories of all the ones around to give repeated reads does wonderful things to the dopamine levels, let me tell you. And especially when you go on to say that you’re not always into this sort of thing for the vore, and that’s the crux of what appears to be your favorite chapter—I’m very touched. 

I will surely be continuing this story as soon as I’ve got the mental bits to spare for it, and trust me, your favorite tag is a close second for me. There’s always gonna be more of that. 

Than you so much for taking the trouble to make an account to tell me you dig my work. It’s so considerate. It’s folks like you that make this satisfying. <3 


Just a simple story about a shrunken couple being subjected to the whims of an amourous giantess.

Content warnings for language, nudity,.graphic depictions of sex, insertion, mouth play, and oral soft vore.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Categories: Adult 30-39, Giantess, Couples, Insertion, Mouth Play, Vore
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Doll (12 in. to 6 in.)
Size Roles: F/f, F/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences, This story is for entertainment purposes only.
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 8673 Read Count: 18927
[Report This] Published: August 12 2022 Updated: August 17 2022
Reviewer: MicroThaumaturge Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: August 16 2023 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

That was fantastic!!!

Your hints in Chapter 1 definitely painted a clear picture of the truth to the events unfolding (I was able to guess Annie's true relationship when Cassie was mentioned as a work friend of Michael's wife), but that made the story all the more enticing.

What you have wrought here is a work of art worthy of a tradesman's masterpiece.  Sure, there were some technical hiccoughs, mostly around swapped homophones, and an incorrect dialogue tag, but the experience was damn near visceral.  It's rare to find an author with such a focus - nay, a hunger - for non-fatal vore.  The only author I could point to that reliably includes it is the great Greenanon.  But while the Greenanon stories have a delightful worldbuilding component, there are times (frequently, in fact) that I'm looking for some targeted erotica.  Quality smut, if you will.  And tiny gods, did you deliver.

The title of your story was supremely well chosen.  The monument you have carved here, dedicated to the Big O and the Little Death, has been carved by careful hands from a block of pure anticipation.  Annie's visceral need to consume her sacrifices served as the hammer strokes that cleanly carved the shape of what was to come.  The play with her sacrifices - sliding them so readily between her lips - shaped the work into a thing of allure and desire.  The deal with the devil, and enacting the terms of it served to smooth and polish the work to a thing of beauty; and the breaking and shared fate elevated this piece into the halls of the great. 

Between the two pieces you have shared here, I think Together is the better story from a technical standpoint.  Probably from storytelling and pacing as well.  But the passion and intensity in this piece were truly visceral.  I am elated to have read it.

Thank you.

Author's Response:

I uh.... wow. It's no exaggeration that this the most glowing praise I've ever gotten for my writing. Like, ever. I appreciate all the kind words. I know it's "just" smut, but the goal of a writer is always to elicit an intended emotional response in the reader with their work, and regardless of the nature of said response, it's just really a great feeling to know that you were successful at it.

I hear you on some of the technical issues. Some of it stems from writing these out on a smartphone (autocorrect can be a bitch sometimes), but most of it comes from my style of writing, which is basically to dump everything out of my head all at once, and submit without looking back. Something about re-reading my own work is uncomfortable to me... akin to hearing your own recorded voice. And this was my first erotic piece, so I'm not surprised that Together came across as more effective. Not that I could point to anything specific that I learned through writing Anticipation, but I'm sure subconsciously, the experience had an influence on the latter work.

All that to say, I appreciate the time you took to write out such an elaborate review, and I felt my response needed to be similarly comprehensive in kind, to reflect the gratitude. I know most people just read something and move on (myself included), so I try not to take for granted that even a handful of people felt compelled to provide positive feedback.

I'm still working my way through your work, and while I lack the skill to so thoroughly summarize my feelings as you have, know that I'm thoroughly enjoying what I've read so far. You have a talent for sure, and I hope you have the opportunity to develop your skills further. We definitely vibe on the same wavelength, and it's awesome to find others out authors out there that I can sing the praises of from my admittedly very small platform.


Micro Cities made their debut by building a 1:6 scale city and successfully shrinking it's occupants to live in the community. Since then they've build multiple cities--each with a smaller scale than the last. The newest city, Micropolis, is 1:200 scale.

Justin, a brilliant engineer, has been hired to improve the lives of the people of Micropolis. The only catch to his contract is that he has to live in the city for the next 5 years. He'll leave his old life behind to live at only 9mm tall.

What challenges and adventures await the residents of Micropolis?

Categories: Breasts, Body Exploration, Butt, Couples, Crush, Destruction, Entrapment, Feet, Footwear, Gentle, Growing/Shrinking Out of Clothes, Humiliation, Insertion, Legwear, Lesbians, Mouth Play, Slow Size Change, Unaware, Violent
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Doll (12 in. to 6 in.), Dwarf (3 ft. to 5 ft.), Lilliputian (6 in. to 3 in.), Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.), Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.), Munchkin (2.9 ft. to 1 ft.), Nano (1/2 in. to 2.5 nanometers)
Size Roles: F/f, F/m, FF/f, FF/m, FM/f, FM/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Series: None
Chapters: 14 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 70827 Read Count: 99856
[Report This] Published: December 30 2022 Updated: November 10 2023
Reviewer: MicroThaumaturge Signed
Date: September 09 2023 Title: Chapter 12: The Rescue

I have enjoyed this story immensely.  Great premise, great setting, solid and developing shrinking mechanics, solid dynamic between the oppressive giants in the company and the oppressed residents.  I enjoyed the first dozen chapters without reserve.  I wish I had left comments on the other chapters singing this story's praises.

This last chapter, however, leaves a bad taste.  I get that Claire's thought processes are unbalanced where Jazmin is concerned.  I get that Justin is worried about Ally, and that could impair his thinking a bit.  But between the three of them, two of whom are engineers /city planners, this 'plan' for rescue doesn't pass the smell check.  It's very plot driven, which is a disservice to your well-written characters.

Don't get me wrong, the breakfast bit is great, the fetishy bits are cute and enjoyable, or speak well to those who enjoy cruelty, Rae's response to being found is solid, but I have some problems with how this went down.

1. They split the party.  Yes, I know that saying "don't split the party" is kinda cliche, and is generally not such a bad thing, but splitting their group was literally the only thing that put them in more danger than just walking away.  The only way Jazmin posed any real threat to them is if they confronted her in the exact manner they did - alone and letting her get the drop on them.  I can ALMOST buy the fact that they had 2 objectives, one of which was pressing, being enough to decide the party could be split, but it still smells very fishy. 

Again, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you shouldn't have split them - obviously that was the only way to make things go this way - but I woukd highly recommend presenting a more compelling reason for not just going to get Ally first.

2. Their plan was all or nothing.  If they failed, that's it, they're playing from the back foot - quite possibly literally, as they would be small enough.  There's no attempt to inform any sort of local authority, or an understanding friend, or an internet conspiracy theorist.  If they screw up, they're toast.  That seems like something Brooke at the least should have thought of.  And I do apologize if I somehow missed this, but why are the local police not involved?  They are clearly dealing with what is clearly abduction, kidnapping, and from what Jazmin has hinted at, sexual abuse, rape, and likely manslaughter/murder.  Again, if I missed the explanation, that's on me and I apoligize for raising the point, but I don't see why the authorities were never brought in, under any pretense.

3. The lack of any sort of protection.  They went into hostile territory, with their freedom, if not their lives on the line, and they brought nothing to defend themselves.  Not an empty wine bottle, not a can of mace or pepper spray, nothing.  Again, it seems poorly thought out.

4. Once the Taylor's returned, there was no attempt to call for help.  Did Brooke not bring a cell phone?

Just to clarify, I am not trying to criticise the direction you took the story.  I'm sure having all of the heroes tiny and in trouble will make for a thrilling next chapter.  I can't wait to see what comes next!

I'm just... You have written such wonderful characters, I feel like the way this went down was a disservice to them.  There needed to be additional factors.  Perhaps they expect the Taylor's to bring Rae with them as a toy, but he's at a Meet & Greet with his wife RIGHT NOW and will be back tonight.  Now there's a pressing need to go to the Taylor's eesidence, or Rae is in danger if Jazmin gets word back to them.

Regarding telling others, perhaps they are too scared to act, or the authorities won't believe them / they have been paid off.  I feel like this is a wide avenue of approach that needed to be narrowed, if not closed.

Weapons can be left at the front door when it's clear no one is home, or while handling a tiny.  This one stretches credulity a bit, but would be acceptable, and fitting for the characters.

Again, I'm sorry if this comes across as an attack against you or your writing, because it's not intended to be.  You have a talent, and a great story in progress here.  One in which I've been emotionally invested for some time now (again, sorry for not commenting sooner).  I just saw several decisions here as a disservice to these great characters, and couldn't help but shout my frustration to the rooftops (sorry about the eardrums).

Again, thank you for bringing us these characters, I'm loving the story, I'm really looking forward to seeing where it goes next! I just had to get that off my chest.

Author's Response:

I'm glad you've enjoyed the story so far! I'm also sorry that this chapter missed the mark.

I had hit a wall creatively--so I decided this was 'good enough' to move on to the fetish bits. I'm fairly new at writing this type of content, so I struggle with how to balance story and smut.

In regards to Brooke--she definitely had a cell phone. I had figured she was too panicked to make a phone call, but in hindsight she definitely would've shot a text to Claire at the very least. This was an oversight on my part.

I really appreciate this feedback as it helps me grow and develop as a writer! Please don't be shy to share your thoughts in the future as well.

The Artless by StoryTeller Rated: X starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 7]

Reaching one's art is the pinnacle of every mage's progress, it is their unique identity and their greatest strength. Every mage, when powerful enough, reaches their art. 

Every mage except Alden Oakwell. Known as the Artless, he has been disowned by his family, left to live an outcast's life. While on an errand through the backwaters of the country, Alden sees a giant harass a family of ranchers and decides to intervene, having no idea where this seemingly insignificant fight might lead him. For better or worse, Alden soon finds himself entangled with a clan of giants.

Contains a lot of foot action, be warned.

Categories: Teenager (13-19), Breasts, Adult 30-39, Crush, Fantasy, Feet, Humiliation, Insertion, Mouth Play, Slave
Characters: None
Growth: Brobdnignagian (51 ft. to 100 ft.)
Shrink: None
Size Roles: F/m, FF/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Series: None
Chapters: 12 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 24561 Read Count: 34733
[Report This] Published: March 05 2023 Updated: March 24 2024
Reviewer: MicroThaumaturge Signed
Date: August 12 2023 Title: Chapter 5: Chapter 5 - The Sorrel Camp

Interesting premise here.  I'm very curious to see if an explanation is confirmed for why Alden is Artless.  The ideas proposed so far seem like the fancies common to gossip and tavern tales.

I admit I'm a little confused about the nature of relationships with the giant clans and human homesteaders outside of the kingdom.  If a little scuffle with a bully is enough to get Alden enslaved to a slave, I can't help but wonder how the homesteaders aren't just enslaved.  All it would take is a hint of mischief on a child's part, and there goes the homestead.  Are these humans desperate, that they live out there?  Or is it that Alden is a mage that he was treated so harshly?  If obeisance is all that stands between a homestead and slavery, that's a mighty fine line to walk.

I'm also curious as to the how and why of making human women giants.  Tiny pets are easier to feed and care for.  Making them giant scale doesn't seem to serve much purpose, unless they use them in combat, though if that were the case, Claeri seems far too kind.

I'm definitely looking forward to what comes next.  There's been a fair bit of buld up to the meeting with Big Bertha.  Should be interesting.

Author's Response:

Alden's situation is elaborated on, I'll say that much. I also write The Artless in the same greater universe as my other stories, and my biggest, primary story (Adventures In Humius And Gintessa) contains explanations that I believe answer some of your questions. I think I've gotten a bit lazy with the details the more stories I pile up since I get comfortable in the similar setting, so your confusion is completely understandable. There's enchantments that make human-sized food as satiating for giants as if it were their size, to answer the logistics question. And the focus on Alden is mostly brought on by his exceptional talent.

I'll be honest as well and say that worldbuilding isn't my primary focus; I don't like getting too technical and getting into the particulars. The turning-humans-into-giants business is purposefully vague. I just like the world to simply feel organic enough that the plot (which is highly erotica-driven, as is probably obvious) can be sustained by it.

Good questions, and thanks for the review!

Reviewer: MicroThaumaturge Signed
Date: August 12 2023 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1 - A Humble Homestead

(Follow-up to my previous review)

Since I've read this chapter, I've had an indescribably odd craving for cream of mushroom soup.  I blame and thank you.


Months after a bad breakup, Jess is ready to start seeing someone new. Her coworker, Drew, seems like the perfect choice: hot, friendly, and is into her. The only problem is that's he's two inches tall. In spite of their friends' disapproval, the two try to make their odd relationship work.

This is a romance story set in a world where tinies and humans attempt to coexist after living in separation for centuries. 

Now Complete!

Categories: Young Adult 20-29, Breasts, Butt, Couples, Entrapment, Feet, Footwear, Gentle, Insertion, Mouth Play, Odor, Vore
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: F/m, FF/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Series: None
Chapters: 19 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 69620 Read Count: 128356
[Report This] Published: April 09 2023 Updated: August 13 2023
Reviewer: MicroThaumaturge Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: August 13 2023 Title: Chapter 19: Ch 19. All Mixed Up

Wonderful story.  That was a superb ending to a well-written and enjoyable story.  I'm not going to lie, you pulled a fast one on me with the final reveal - I did not see that coming.  I expected the ending to occur after Jess got to indulge in her vore fantasy.  But you took it two steps further, and I'm wiping away tears.  Beautiful ending.

I'm a little curious as to whether Sasha and Jeff ever got married, but they were good for each other, and in lieu of on-page depictions to the contrary, I'm going to assume they stayed together, stepping in to co-babysit for Jess and Drew on occasion.  With hijinks, of course.

Thanks for sharing such a great story, bringing us the highs and lows of truly delightful characters.  I can't wait to see what you write up next!

Author's Response:

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the ending. I wanted to leave it on a high note with a clear trajectory towards the future, like you can kinda see where the story goes from here without it needing to continue. 

As for Sasha and Jeff, they're still dating during the final chapter. With Jess and Drew being the main characters, and their relationship being the focal point of the story, I didn't want to get too tied up on progressing Sasha and Jeff's relationship during the finale (also I'm low-key sick of writing weddings lol). It can be assumed that they get married sometime after Jess and Drew did.


A poor little fairy named Willow stumbles into a deadly trap.

Note: There are no actual spiders in this story.

Soft vore, both gentle and cruel giantess stuff, fear play, and a story to go with it. 18+. Hope you enjoy!

Update: Chapter 6 up!

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Categories: Giantess, Entrapment, Fantasy, Gentle, Lesbians, Mouth Play, Vore
Characters: None
Growth: Giant (31 ft. to 50 ft.)
Shrink: Lilliputian (6 in. to 3 in.)
Size Roles: F/f
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Series: None
Chapters: 7 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 14110 Read Count: 14108
[Report This] Published: July 02 2023 Updated: January 13 2025
Reviewer: MicroThaumaturge Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: August 12 2023 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1 - Nightmare

Ooh, very intriguing premise.  I've never been a fan of dream sequences - all too often they're used as an info dump, a "what if" scenario that is only tangential to the story, or to remove the consequences a powerful, evocative, attention-grabbing scene.  I have to admit, I like how you used the dream here.  It's the basis for the conflict that follows.  It's not imagery for the sake of spectacle, without consequences moving forward; rather it's the very kernel of the conflict within the MC.

I would consider this a strong start - it sets the tone well, sets the hook for the following chapters, and doesn't bog us down with exposition.  I'm looking forward to seeing what comes next!

Author's Response:

Thank you so much! This means a lot coming from you, I really admire your work!

Reviewer: MicroThaumaturge Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: August 23 2023 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2 - Ritual

My oh my, that is a delicious motivation for the titular "villain" of the story.  I did not expect such a heart-wrenching introduction to the witch.  I feel sorry for her.  Though I feel worse for all the fairies she must have consumed in a futile effort to live in the past, like the delightful little Sage.  If only Avalee could see past what I assume is her grief, she might have found a new friend somewhere along the way, but it's as if she sees these fairies as short-lived batteries, rather than individuals.  So sad.

This chapter raises a few questions for me, some obvious which I hope to see answered, and one or two that would have been nice to have answered in context.

1) What happened to the forest around the cottage, and by extension, Hannah?

2) Will the witch have any use for Willow, since she hasn't attuned?

2.5) Will the Witch try to help Willow attune, so she can make use of her?

3) Where did this ritual magic come from?

4) Could a fairy have helped conduct the ritual without becoming a snack, and did Avalee ever try to convince one?

5) Why did Sage not try to fly away?  Was she weak from her time in captivity, spellbound by Avalee, or was there another reason?

Thanks for continuing this story, you have an interesting approach with these characters.  I like their motivations, and see potential for them to help each other, though whether that is acted upon, and whether or not betrayal is to follow, I look forward to discovering.  Keep up the great work!

Author's Response:

Wow, what a thoughtful review! I continue to be starstruck. Thanks so much for taking the time to write this.

You're asking all the right questions! I'm really happy to see that I'm sewing the right seeds. The only "unintentional" one was 5, which is definitely something that should have been directly answered in the chapter. I'll probably patch that in later. 

Once again, thanks for the feedback! I don't have as much time to write as I'd like, but these characters live rent free in my brain all the time, and I want their stories told. Thanks for reading! 


Bruna is a senior college student that has a forbidden pleasure: swallow tiny people alive. All tinies usually scream and beg for their lives while they're being consumed as snacks, but what will happen when Bruna meets Mia, a tiny that actually enjoys seeing giant girls eating tinies like her?

Copyright: This is a story written by me, and all characters/situations are my original work or are used with permission/'expectancy of permission' from other authors (which are mentioned in such cases). There's no intention of disrespecting anyone's work.

Categories: Couples, Gentle, Humiliation, Lesbians, Mouth Play, Vore
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: None
Size Roles: F/f, F/m
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 60 Read Count: 14552
[Report This] Published: July 13 2023 Updated: July 13 2023
Reviewer: MicroThaumaturge Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: August 12 2023 Title: Chapter 1: 01. A new friend

That--was hot.  Wow.  Great story.  I always feel a bit guilty when I enjoy a fatal vore story, but I love the dynamic between Bruna and Mia.  Their openness and instant connection would typically have me calling bulls---, but with the intensity of the situation, the passion each had for vore - I can believe they hooked up after that.  Props to Mia's character for her courage.  Also, the sexy times at the end was much appreciated.  I'm looking forward to what you come up with next.

Author's Response:

Wow, thanks for such high praise! Writing the dynamics between Bruna and Mia in a short,  single-shot story was indeed a challenge, but I'm happy the result isn't 'that bad' lol.

Well, this story is a single-chapter one, so probably will have no continuation, but you can read my other stories and see if some of them fits your taste :)


Mika is a young archeologist with confusing and often absent memories of his childhood, often featuring a mysterious ruined temple in an impossibly large jungle. When he sees photos of the far flung Lemurian Jungle he realizes the secrets to his past are there, and sets out to find them. Now, in the jungle and waylaid by agents of a sinister conspiracy spanning his entire life, he finds his only friend in the world is a hundreds foot long man-eating Naga named Chloe, one who seems to be missing parts of her own memory. Can the two unlock the mysteries of their past? Will Chloe give in to instinct or will she and Mika find friendship, and more?

A globetrotting adventure story heavily inspired by Felarya starring a young man and a Naga, and their relationship as they explore the mysteries of a lost civilization.


Categories: Humiliation, Adventure, Body Exploration, Entrapment, Fantasy, Insertion, Mouth Play, Vore, Breasts
Characters: None
Growth: Titan (101 ft. to 500 ft.)
Shrink: None
Size Roles: F/f, F/m, FF/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Series: A Strange Universe, Finding What's Lost and related stories
Chapters: 18 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 144675 Read Count: 56159
[Report This] Published: August 11 2023 Updated: May 31 2024
Reviewer: MicroThaumaturge Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: August 28 2023 Title: Chapter 2: Searching for Secrets

I want to start off by apologizing that this is the first of your many wonderful stories to which I'm adding a review.  I haven't read all of your stories, but I have read many of them, and I'm slowly increasing that count as I can find the time.  You are an impressive writer, regardless if the metric is prosaic, prolific, or creative in nature, and I'm honored to be a part of this community with which you share that creativity, passion, and skill.

In terms of the story in question, I'm loving what you've done here.  I don't know how much of the story is laid out by the commissioner, and how much creative license you have, but your pacing and teasing of new information is fantastic.  I'm enjoying these glimpses of the ancient civilization, playing at some greater truth or connection between humans, the fruit, and the Naga. 

The Higgins scenes are a great reminder that not only is there a potentially hostile force outside of the developing relationship between Mika and Chloe, but it hints at knowledge already in this world either hoarded or obtained by someone likely to have a very different interpretation of Chloe's role in things from the one Mika is developing.  The distorted voice not only seems to know more than it has let on, but the hints dropped have me wondering WHAT is on the other end of that connection as much as it has me wondering who.  Placing Higgins as the connection between the MC's and this strange figure's interests introduces a potentially dangerous (and therefore entertaining) variable.  Higgins seems to be a man out for himself first, and everybody else only when they have something to offer him.  Not only does this present him as potentially dangerous to the MC's despite his employer directing him to stay his hand, but it also presents an opportunity to turn him against his employer, as he has already turned on his employees.

And then, last but not least, there's this developing relationship between Mika and Chloe.  I love the dangerous edge to the sexual tension they have, spiced with the restraint Mika is trying to demonstrate, and which is quickly eroding under Chloe's more practical sensibilities.

Sorry for the wall of text; I'm invested in this story you're telling, and in trying to thank you and praise your efforts the above sorta just--happened.  (Side note, is there a way to accurately represent an em dash on this site?)  I look forward to the next entry in two weeks time, and any other projects you are working on in the meantime!

Author's Response:

I love walls of text, most authors love long reviews in my experience!

Anyways yeah Higgins is very much out for himself, but as dangerous as he is he's a worldly sort of danger, like you said there are greater things at play here.

Mika and Chloe have a language barrier and very different backgrounds to contend with, but they're both in the same boat of not knowing how or why they're here.

As far as the leeway given by the commissioner the broad strokes of the story are generally at their discretion, the characterization, side characters, pacing, etc are usually up to me. Thanks for the review, glad you're liking it!

Reviewer: MicroThaumaturge Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: October 12 2023 Title: Chapter 5: To Walk Among Men

I'm absolutely loving what you're doing with this story.  Your approach blending humor, intrigue, suspense, and low-key danger has been a delight.

The process of humanising Chloe has been handled with care since chapter 1, and I'm glad to see that continue.  She is attentive, learns quickly, and now even values Mika's beliefs to this point that she's fighting both her own instincts and valid excuses to do what she has been told is the right thing.  I pray Mika never does anything to betray that immense trust.  Chloe is so innocent and adorable, it almost hurts my heart that such a character cannot realistically maintain that worldview, especially not with what's coming.  I also have to applaud her generally positive interactions with humans.  It's strangely inspiring; in part because the natural-born maneater is so friendly with her natural prey, but also that someone so isolated has been so open and outgoing.  If I spend a weekend at home, it barely recharges enough energy to go back into the world and deal with people.  Thank god for Monster Energy Drinks.  Huh.  I wonder...

Emilia's character is fantastic for these "Bad Guy POV" scenes.  Sure you're upping the tension by giving us the view into the enemy camp to show just what the heroes are up against, but seeing it through the lens of a reluctant participant - and possible turncoat - adds a lot of nuance to what is displayed.  It keeps the tone thrilling without becoming cruel or malicious. 

It's interesting to see two different individuals from two different species slowly being directed to a human-free diet.  The morality of such a thing is something I've honestly wrangled with for years, particularly after reading TheWiking2000's Sexting With a Giantess.  While I cannot see a natural path to the development of a physically far superior predator that relies on its prey to maintain a social lifestyle, while the prey simultaneously knows that the predator is, in fact, a predator, I had to ask myself if such a society could be stable, and if so, is the aplroach of the giantess maintaining her feeding habits on the populace morally just.  I'm curious to see how your answer to that question is expressed through Chloe and Emilia.

*head bonk with "teehee" and side tongue*

Ok, enough philosophying, back to the review.

I was NOT expecting the blood test, the result of said test, nor the implications from it, so that was a shift not just for the story, but my expectations as well.  It was perfectly timed coming just before the reveal that there's a much larger stage, and far more sinister plot looming in the background.

Oklahoma the unwitting mole is a nice narrative control valve, helping you keep the MC's on task, while adding humor and reminding us of the power of a neko.  I can't help but wonder if that was part of the commissioner's concept, or your own twist.

TLDR: Thanks for the chapter, things are thrilling and exciting, and I'm anxiously awaiting the next chapter in 2 weeks time!  Also, I have moral questions about social predator-prey interactions.

Author's Response:

This story is going to go through some of the problems with trying to maintain that predator-prey relationship, I always felt like characters in settings like Felarya took the whole thing too lightly. Chloe's definitely feeling doubts about what she's been doing, at the same time she IS a predator, humans are her natural food. The catgirls on the other hand are mostly doing what they do out of malice, something we'll explore a bit later.

Oklahoma was originally a character I pitched to the commissioner to help get Mika and Chloe to where they need to be, as well as giving a more down to earth reaction to all of this monstergirl nonsense, glad you like her!


A giantess is taking a bath when she discovers a tiny man sneaking around her bathroom. Despite her kindness and politeness, she remains adamant that, as a giantess, she must eat him. She wants to have a little chat with him first, but nothing can sway her from her decision to make him her bath time snack.

Categories: Giantess, Young Adult 20-29, Gentle, Vore
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1560 Read Count: 2894
[Report This] Published: August 12 2023 Updated: August 12 2023
Reviewer: MicroThaumaturge Signed
Date: August 12 2023 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

An enjoyable story.  Fairly classic "giant encounters tiny and vore ensues" framing.  

I am a little confused why Sean didn't try to escape before he was already in Vanessa's clutches.  I see the line, "he didn't have the chance to get away," but detailing a mad dash, or explaining that he was frozen with fear would be a solid touch, both to provide description and to flesh out his character a little more.

I also want to say I'm not understanding why Vanessa wanted to know more about the tiny before eating him.  Is she a psychopath?  Does she keep a log of the stories of the tinies she eats?  The last line about her complete indifference seems to contradict her initial interest.  The reason behind that character trait provides a lot of context to the rest of the story.  If she sees asking after the tiny's circumstances as polite, or good, meaning it's driven by morals, then there's some dissonance with her view of tinies as food and it being only right that she eat them.  If her impetus for asking is because she's trying to scare them, then it could be either a taste preference, or she's cruel.  If she gets off on it, then she's cruel and kinky.  I feel like the descriptions are misleading or contradictory enough that a clear reason cannot be inferred.

A giantess asking for details about a tiny she's going to eat anyway is uncommon, and I feel like fleshing out the WHY of that would help elevate a piece like this.

If the above seems negative, please don't take it as such.  I see a promising story from a promising writer.  Praise for the piece is well earned, and I definitely enjoyed it, but I know as a fellow newbie in this forest of giants I would be thankful to have others provide critique with any praise my story, so I hope you find this helpful.  I'm definitely looking forward to what you come up with next.

And most importantly, thank you for your bravery in sharing this story, and for your contribution to the community!

P.S. Great Username!

Author's Response:

Negatives? If all the negative reviews were like yours I would be happy! On the contrary, the reason I published my story in the first place was exactly because I hoped of receiving reviews like yours!

Constructive criticism is what can help me improve my skill, and you have given me some ideas for improvement, helping me to be able to write better stories in the future. For me and for others.

Thank you and I hope you will like the next story more!

P.S. I'm still surprised that such a simple nickname like mine wasn't already in use, but it's just as well!

Together by Jetblack21 Rated: X starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 5]
Summary: A pair of roommates reconnect after growing apart.
Categories: Breasts, Giantess, Insertion, Mouth Play, Lesbians, Vore
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Doll (12 in. to 6 in.)
Size Roles: None
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences, This story is for entertainment purposes only.
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 15299 Read Count: 4226
[Report This] Published: August 14 2023 Updated: August 14 2023
Reviewer: MicroThaumaturge Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: August 15 2023 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

That was hot as hell.  Just, whew, I'm in awe.  You just checked every box for my ideal short story, and you did it with fantastic characterization, pacing, and detail.  You gave enough to empathize with the characters, and nothing was wasted.  I love how gentle, yet dominant Lilah became as the night went on.  The little details showing how thoroughly Delilah prepared for this encounter were presented with the right timing and framing to keep building that anticipation.  I'm blown away. 

Absolutely loved this, thanks so much for sharing!  I haven't read your other story yet, but I'm regretting that I missed it until now.  I know what I'm reading tomorrow night.

Author's Response:

Thank you so much for the feedback! I wrote both stories to sort of fill a niche I was having a particularly hard time finding for myself, and I'm glad to find that others enjoy it as well. 

They've also unexpectedly paid off in helping me find other authors who are vibing on the same frequency as me. I've read the first chapter of your Turnabout, and I'm already hooked. I'll definitely be leaving a review once I finish!


Two enemy soldiers, a human and a tiny, find themselves stranded on a deserted island. Though tensions are high, the two band together to survive, working together as they await a rescue that may never come.

A thousand miles out from the war embroiling their homes, perhaps their begrudging alliance can bloom into something greater.

Now Complete!

Categories: Adventure, Young Adult 20-29, Body Exploration, Butt, Entrapment, Feet, Footwear, Gentle, Insertion, Mouth Play, Muscle, Odor, Violent
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Lilliputian (6 in. to 3 in.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Series: None
Chapters: 10 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 48712 Read Count: 44589
[Report This] Published: August 19 2023 Updated: November 25 2023
Reviewer: MicroThaumaturge Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: April 13 2024 Title: Chapter 10: Ch 10. The Best is Yet to Come

I love almost everything about this finale.  The couple moving to a smaller, accepting piece of civilization, the welcoming townspeople, their wonderful coupling once they've been reunited - it's all wonderful.  This is the ending the two of them deserved, at least until they take the next step in their lives, and you deopped plenty of breadcrumbs to suggest how that might go.

The one thing I would have liked to see, is Lanz finding a reason to live for himself.  I'm so glad that Miriam can be and is that for him, but to be truly healthy, he needs something for himself as well, if only to avoid becoming lost in his incredible partner.  However, it's only been 6 months.  There's plenty of time for him to heal, and to grow as a person, and this ending leaves that as a possibility.

Thank you so much for the time and effort you put into this story, and thank you for sharing it with us.  Stranded With The Enemy has been a powerful, captivating, detailed, and living story, and I am sad to see it end.  I suppose I will have to console myself by diving into the next couple chapters of Twin Sizes, which I haven't had a chance to read yet.

Thank you again, and well fucking done.

Author's Response:

Thank you! In my head, Chapter 9's the real finale and this is more a sort of epilogue that I felt the audience deserved. Like with Mixing Sizes, my goal was to end on maximum good feels and point to a hopeful future for our protags. 

That's a good point you make about Lanz finding his own happiness alongside that provided to him by Miriam. Lanz is a character who has never been able to live for himself, always acting on the behest of those with control over him, so I probably should have delved into that for this finale, but I do think he would need some time to actually find that for himself. 

Thank you so much for reading, and for letting me know you liked it! I can only hope my future work continues to impress.

Reviewer: MicroThaumaturge Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: April 13 2024 Title: Chapter 9: Ch 9. The No More Hero

I have to apologize for how long I dallied between my initial read of this chapter, and finally leaving a review.  I remember being in a bit of a daze, reading this around 1 am, simultaneously bone weary, and yet feeling the adrenaline coursing through me.

This chapter, like this entire story, was phenomenal, and yet I would also say that this chapter stood head ans shoulders above the rest in terms of storytelling.  We meet the family, steal plans to a superweapon, fake a death, act out a lover's quarrel, and so much more in this chapter.  I am still blown away.

I love how you also push this subtext that Lanz might be playing Miriam.  It's hard to believe, given prior events, and we know they're both thespians at heart, to some degree, but you still maintain enough doubt to keep around that niggling question of, "was it real, or was it Lanz playing the part as he carries out his mission as a super spy?"

Special shout-out to Miriam's parents.  Her dad is monstrous in his convictions, but you humanize him through his love of family as his core value and driving force.  He's truly paving a road to hell with the intent of keeping his daughter safe.  I can respect that sentiment, even as I condemn his actions.

Miriam's mom seems an absolute delight.  I'm so glad Miriam had her in her life as a role model.

As for the scenario, I love how you approached it.  Fake Lanz death, spread work of the doomsday device, and turn the tables on Miriam's father all in one fell swoop.  It was a great approach, made all the better by the "is he, isn't he?" looming potential for betrayal.  As I said before, this was phenomenal.  A solid 12/10.

Author's Response:

Yay! Wondering if I pulled off the final chapters in your eyes has long been weighing on my mind, and I'm elated to hear you liked them. It's probably obvious from its quality, but chapter 9 was actually the first chapter I had fully fleshed out of this story beyond the initial concept which is to say everything that comes before it was written to lead to this, and I had regularly tweaked this chapter to keep up with where I was taking things prior. As of now, this is probably still the work I'm most proud of, and it makes me so happy that it has resonated so strongly with so many people.

One of the hardest parts I'm finding as a writer is getting into the reader's head specifically regarding how much they can tell where things are heading. I know Lanz isn't betraying Miriam and that they're actually playing Pierre, but I simultaneously don't want the audience to know that for certain while also keeping it from being an unreasonable shock when the truth is revealed. Keeping that delicate balance in check when I know all the answers and can't put myself in the shoes of someone who doesn't is an interesting challenge, even in less twist heavy works like Twin Sizes.

General Irvine was a lot of fun to write. I don't often write villains (in fact, he might be my only one so far?), and even then, he's much less of a direct antagonist than a typical villain. Military types makes for great villains, though, because they can justify to themselves the most heinous acts imaginable, all for the name of country, duty, family, or whatever else they hold dear. In an odd way, I find him relatable at the human level, doing what he thinks best for the people most important to him with that conviction coming from a place of genuine love, though it leads him down a path of carnage.

Rosa, on the other hand, had to be a complete contrast to that. All the love without any of the atrocities. I figured her for the blissful ignorant type, at least when it comes to her husband's military career, someone who sees the good in people without looking too close for all the bad tucked away.

Man, I'm really glad this chapter turned out. I can get across how many times I had to go through the main sequence to make sure it was airtight. "Is this plausible? Would he act this way? Would this guy buy it? etc. ad infinitum." Thank you for all kind words. I always appreciate them no matter when they arrive.

Reviewer: MicroThaumaturge Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: November 11 2023 Title: Chapter 8: Ch 8. Farewell to Yesterday

Loving this story!

I'm really hoping the discussion about The Man Called Revolver is showing its greater relevance here (the gun twirl is a great callback to suggest it is).  Great twist, great foreshadowing, great callback, I'm just in awe.  (I'm also thankful to see Lanz's tiny contact wasn't female.  No need to conflate the current situation with April 30th, at least not at this stage.)

I'm excited to see what happens next!

Author's Response:

Thank you! Next one will be a doozy.

Reviewer: MicroThaumaturge Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: November 09 2023 Title: Chapter 5: Ch 5. A Walk Through the Woods

Awww, that was absolutely adorable!  Lanz is growing as a person, embracing the side of himself kept forcibly suppressed for so long.  He expressed himself quite well.  And then poor Miriam is catching feelings.  I hope that's a chronic concern.

The tooth has me quite intrigued.  My guess is tracker, since a suicide tooth probably would have cracked with that extraction method.  Glad to see Lanz is taking steps to distance himself from his bloodsoaked past, and to hold onto the woman he has. 

Author's Response:

Yeah, I figured some emotional development was needed after the prior chapter's carnal carnival. Always happy to make some hearts melt.

Reviewer: MicroThaumaturge Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: September 10 2023 Title: Chapter 3: Ch 3. Tropical Storm

Processed nutrient bricks?  I thought I was reading survival romance, not survival horror! *shiver*

Thanks for bringing us another solid chapter.  This was a good glimpse into the pasts for the MC's.  It got a bit heavy there, but the best way to unburden the weight of the past is to share the load.  Excellent use of the storm as emphasis.  I'm looking forward to seeing Miriam tease out more of Lanz's past.  And the opposite as well, but Lanz definitely has some serious secrets.  Thanks again!

Author's Response:

Thank you. I like the term "survival romance," makes it sound so dire. Like, your trapped in Silent Hill and a bunch of cute monster girls based on your past traumas are trying to date you lol.

It's funny, I thought up the storm for the opening scene because I thought it'd be hot if they were exercising in the rain, but as I was thinking about where I wanted to go with this chapter, I realized "Wait, I can use this to serve the narrative too!" 

Reviewer: MicroThaumaturge Signed
Date: August 31 2023 Title: Chapter 2: Ch 2. Hunting and Killing

Another solid chapter.  I'm glad to see Lanz and Miriam working together, even if they aren't yet cooperating.

You're doing a great job of fleshing out these characters, though every development with Lanz seems to prompt a new question, or redorect an existing one.  I'm more than happy to have this strung along, but I'm craving answers, especially where Lanz's scars are concerned.  The one that might well be a slit throat or rope burn from a noose/garotte, and the one that could be from an autopsy / open chest proceedure are the most eye catching and intriguing, but the fact that they are far from his only scars suggests one HELL of a backstory.

I also have to comment on and approve of just how badly Lanz has caught the Horny.  I look forward to the Horny landing him in increasingly boneheaded or compromising situations.

I didn't see quite as much from Miriam that I didn't see previously, though I'm disapponted that she knowingly and drastically misinterpreted the conditions of the bet.  *raises index finger* Bad girl.  You've been naughty, and should definitely be punished.

Ahem.  Where was I?  Oh, right.

You approached exposure to their respective cultures in a very interesting way.  Propoganda is a very telling signal of where a society is at, and where it is heading.  Learning that the tinies are culturally focused on inprovement, but weighed down by corruption adds a fair bit of context to their side of the war.  The bigger society seems more emotionally driven, if the propoganda is spewing hate.  It's also interesting to see one side terrified of the other, while from the opposite side of the battle lines, the opposition is seen as a nuisance well worth stomping out before they become a bigger problem.

Your pacing is great so far, and I'm looking forward to your next chapter!

Author's Response:

Thank you! I feel a bit like a sadist, but I'll be stringing you along for a bit. While details will come to the surface throughout the narrative, it'll be a hot minute before all the questions regarding Lanz are truly answered.

I'm glad you approve of the Horny. Lanz may be stoic and battle-hardened, but he's still a person with needs and urges (also it's a convenient device for getting more smut in this smut). 

And Miriam was totally justified! It's a very reasonable misunderstanding to make, especially when she's so used to seeing him at her feet lol. Lanz should have been more specific! (I definitely don't have a boot weighing down on me as I type this)

I had fun coming up with the propaganda stuff, and I hope to continue delving deeper into each soldier's culture as they develop.

Keeping the pacing at the perfect speed is my biggest nightmare writing this story, considering how important character development is to it, so it makes me happy to know I'm handling it well so far. I think I've got it down for future chapters, but it's the big worry eating away at me at the moment. Thanks!

Reviewer: MicroThaumaturge Signed
Date: August 20 2023 Title: Chapter 1: Ch 1. Lost

Alright!  I'm hooked!

A mutual survival story, with our main characters starting on opposite sides of a war, and suddenly forced to work together to survive.

I really like how well you describe Miriam's physicality.  She is well established as the strong and capable one, but she's emotional, inexperienced, and cracks under pressure.  On the flip side we have a durable, but physically unimposing man who would be extremely hard pressed to accomplish anything that requires heavy lifting, but he's calm, rational, and more intimidating than his height could suggest.  Both characters have a ton of potential for development, both in terms of spinning the tales of their respective backstories (I'm really looking forward to learning more about Lanz), as well as their opinions, outlooks, and worldviews.

I fully expect to Lanz assume some sort of mentor role.  Whether its keeping Miriam on task, improving her capabilities / efficiency, or even just scratching a certain itch, I expect to see him pushing his way through Miriam's obstinacy.

I'm not seeing quite how Miriam is going to impact Lanz.  She's in a good position right now to be the strong back for his ideas, but I'm hoping to see her impact Lanz's outlook or worldview.

I'm loving the descriptions - both sensory descriptions of setting, events, etc. and how you've chosen to portray the MC's.

I did have something of a knee-jerk reaction to the paragraphs of exposition, but if I'm being honest, I would say you framed it well.  You were succinct, you times it well with the post-crash blackout, and the information was important and presented in a succinct manner.  It could have been teased out later, sure, but the brief info dump provided important context for what was about to come.

All-in-all, I would consider this a strong start to the tale.  I look forward to seeing how events unfold, and how the MC's grow as people.

Author's Response:

Thank you! You've pretty much hit the nail on the head with understanding the characters, and that makes me really happy because that means I'm doing my job right so far. I'm really sorry for the two paragraphs of exposition. I didn't realize how bad it was. I was hoping that since I started in the middle of the action and had it follow afterward that it would relieve some of issues typical of exposition dumps, but I guess a lecture is still a lecture no matter how succinct it is. Fortunately, that problem shouldn't occur again because I really just needed it to introduce the world and context; I'll make the effort to make future exposition more seamless. For the characters, definitely expect their backstories to be more gradually eeked out (Lanz in particular since his will be a bit more involved than Miriam's). I'm excited to get these characters' journey written down and to see how people react to the story as it progresses.