Summary: In the not too distant future, about next Sunday AD, overpopulation has reached the point where people are paid to be shrunken down to live in comfort in contained biomes. Some companies took this a step further and offered incentives for people to move into biomes that would be converted into jewelry for people to own and care for. Minirals LTD had created a program where people would live in replicas of cities they once called home, in the possession of caring caretakers. There were many precautions in place, but sometimes things go wrong…
A series of short stories about people, towns, and cities living inside of jewelry that is being worn by normal sized people. This could be something as simple as the gem in a small ring to something more...intimate or even sinister.
CHAPTER 4: "This City is a Pain in My Ass!" (2600 words) A longer piece focusing on what happens when a woman finds herself in possession of a city that was full of assholes who wronged her. What does she do with the tiny people trapped in this city? Well, read to find out!
CHAPTER 5: Nosey Tinies! A 2200 word story where a flirtatious tomboy buys a nose piercing featuring a small ski resort town and the impact it has on her and its residents.
CHAPTER 6: Small Town Girl: A woman revels in the power she holds over the residents of the town she came from and enjoys flaunting her power over them.
Categories: Giantess,
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Nano (1/2 in. to 2.5 nanometers)Size Roles: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 6
Table of Contents
Completed: No
Word count: 9445
Read Count: 25443